
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, February 12, 2015

International dismay on Anwar just lip service?

YOURSAY 'Statements will be issued, then swept under the carpet in a few days.'

Major powers cry foul over Anwar's jailing

Commentable: Read carefully, for the message from the US is subtle but yet carries a warning in the background.

White House National Security Council spokesperson Bernadette Meehan said Malaysia and the United States have a strong partnership and the United States is committed to expanding this cooperation on shared economic and security challenges.

She said "In that context, we urge the government of Malaysia to apply the rule of law fairly, transparently, and apolitically in order to promote confidence in Malaysia's democracy, judiciary, and economy".

The 'strong partnership' and 'commitment' by the US with Malaysia is based on its perceived confidence in Malaysia to adhere to democracy, judiciary, and economy - but this perception hinges on Malaysia applying the rule of law fairly, transparently, and apolitically.

Message to note is that the US does not place much sentimental value to golfing and selfie-taking buddies. If you go out of line, they will drop you like a tonne of bricks.

Asitis: USA, UK, and Canada, while we appreciate your concern over the state of our judiciary, the big question is, are you doing anything to address your "concerns"? We do not need lip-service concern that is not accompanied by concrete actions.

Gggg: The major powers will issue statements for a few days and then will sweep them under the carpet as long as their economy and security concerns are not affected.

Capo Major: These “powers” are great pretenders. Even if they care for what they protest against, will any action be taken to resolve the issue at hand, or is it another nauseating round of "concerned diplomacy" only?

ByebyeBN: Lip service - unless we are Israel, USA has no balls or self-interest to act.

Bamboo: Obama will be soft on Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak as he is enticing Najib to sign the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA). The words of these countries are useless unless Najib is shunned by all. Otherwise this regime will carry on its misrule of Malaysia.

Negarawan: Malaysia has joined the ranks of North Korea. Putrajaya is the new Pyongyang.

Anonymous_1382244186: Why not charge the major powers with sedition? But do it to the defenceless - like us?

Anonymous_1421983529: It is nothing but sheer political persecution of Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim, who has won the hearts and minds of all right thinking and incorruptible Malaysians and the admiration of all Malaysians and the world at large.

I appeal to Anwar to take his case to the International Court of Justice for a fair trial and judgment. However, Anwar has said that the present regime will have to give consent, which will never be obtained.

Thus the US, UK and Canada, please take Anwar's case to the ICJ to seek redress as he is innocent. May we suggest that former Bersih chairperson S Ambiga's help be sought by the Pakatan to start the ball rolling?

Louis: Will USA stop pretending to show concern over Anwar? It had a very good chance of showing disgust on the treatment of Anwar when US President Barack Obama played golf with Najib, but the great Obama preferred to keep quiet.

No use now to show concern. I am not impressed by the US protest statement. More hypocrisy at its best.

Watch Out: It's only lip service. Do they care about what happens to Malaysia? We can all go to hell. They will still come out with the same statements.

Factnot fiction: We feel sad not only for Anwar but more so for ordinary Malaysians. Where can we find justice?

CYLee: Anwar was given all legal avenues for his defence and the judiciary accommodated seven long years for him to defend himself. Is that not fair enough? You can't get that kind of justice in the USA, UK or Canada. Use your God-given brains, people.

I know that what the White House, Canada and the UK are doing is just a public relations stunt to satisfy the international community, especially the supporters of the opposition in Malaysia.

In reality, these leaders from USA, UK and Canada are very friendly with Najib and the Malaysian government. Don't you guys from the Opposition realise that you are being played out by these superpower leaders?

Equation #9: USA, UK - please don't just talk only. Do something.

Quigonbond: Read between the lines. They are saying they are still deepening economic ties with Malaysia, which means their protest is not going to be backed up by actual discernible consequences. It's up to Malaysians to fix this country.

Anonymous321: These three nations can only advise, nothing more. Life goes on as usual.

Anonymous #20513663: Issuing statements may be 'merely symbolic', but it's also important that we keep track of who has not said anything yet. And closely watch upcoming arms and/or nuclear deals to see whom we are buying from.

I'm thinking of France, for example, among the arms- and reactor-selling 'powers'. So far, so silent. Perhaps with the state of their national economy they 'cannot afford' to support human rights?

Penang Mari-loh: Anwar will probably be Malaysia's Nelson Mandela in time to come.

Hmmmmmmmm: Now that they have all got their customary protests out of the way, it's time for the next round of golf and partying. Actions speak louder than words.

Devils In The Details: Life goes back to normal after this. Nato - no action, talk only. -Mkini

1 comment:

  1. "International dismay on Anwar just lip service?"


    Yes indeed.

    In Politics, nothing happens by Accident...

    Rather it is by Design...!

    "Big Brother" is watching and being Politically correct with their statements...

    Collecting ammunitions to destabilise Jibby...

    Jibby could be blackmailed into signing the TPPA or else it will be the end game for Jibby...


    First it will be the Economic Hit Men (already in Bolehland!), next the Jackals and finally the Military...

    Rockefeller is reported to have said: "Competition is a sin". "Own nothing. Control everything"

    You be the judge.



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