
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, February 2, 2015

Leaked chat logs indicate Tong Kooi Ong owned media used market manipulation. More to come.

Leaked chat log reveals Tong Kooi Ong discussing Malaysian politics and the implications moving forward with a member of his “make Malaysia an economic disaster” team.
It appears that Tong Kooi Ong believes he is a political mastermind who can manipulate the “Old man” (Tun Mahathir) to be used in his efforts to destroy Malaysian economy for his own multi-billion profiting Soros style attack.
Market manipulation is a deliberate attempt to interfere with the free and fair operation of the market and create artificial, false or misleading appearances with respect to the price of, or market for, a security, commodity or currency.
Screenshots of Edge controlled print media reveal how Tong Kooi Ong uses The Edge Media group to irresponsibly paint Malaysia in a negative light for his own personal profit.
With this in mind, we call upon relevant authorities to act swiftly to protect the Malaysian currency. Suspend The Edge Group for irresponsible reporting to kill Malaysian economy and investigate Tong for money laundering in the 90s until now.

Tong is all about money power, opportunity and manipulation of the market and politics. Whilst short trading Ringgit is technically gray area if it is illegal (depending on how it is done), it is unpatriotic and unethical to hedge bets against your own country and ILLEGAL if you are then leveraging on your media empire and contacts to drive the currency down for personal gain with “kill Malaysia” economy style reporting.
Evangelical business barons that can be said to be equal to money and opportunity should not abuse their power for personal gain. Tong Kooi Ong is leveraging off his media empire and connections with politicians from both sides to manipulate the market and crash the Ringgit.
The Edge group cumulatively reaches out to millions of readers and listeners daily according to circulation stats from Audit Bureau Circulation Malaysia (http://abcm.org.my/abcmfiles/uploads/2014/11/ABC-Circulation-Figures-Jan14-to-June14-Newspapers-West-and-East-Malaysia-Price-Bands1.pdf) and Comscore (http://www.comscore.com/Insights/Market-Rankings/MDA-and-comScore-Release-Rankings-of-Top-Web-Entities-in-Malaysia-for-November-2014). Their loyal readers include some of the most influential and powerful people in Malaysia.
I will leave you with last week’s front page for the Edge.
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