
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, February 8, 2015

NAJIB'S AWFUL LEGACY: Turning Malaysia into a land of DISHARMONY, where religious & racial nonsense rule

NAJIB'S AWFUL LEGACY: Turning M'sia into a land of DISHARMONY, where religious & racial nonsense rule
A few days ago, Perlis mufti Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin, advised against the ritual to present a garland to Najib, or request that he wear Hindu attire or partake in any Hindu ritual when celebrating a religious festival, so as to protect the sanctity of Islam.
Meanwhile, Jais in a religious sermon said that exposing the ‘aurat’ will invite rape, although it did not specify whether the rapists would be Muslim or otherwise.
A number of years back; they made a religious ruling to discourage Muslims from attending Non Muslim festivals, so the Malays simply stopped attending their neighbours’ yearly get-together. In turn the Non Malays too stopped the practise, so as not to offend any religious sensitivity.
A hugging incident during a K-Pop Music concert turned into a national uproar, with Jais calling for their arrests, if they refused to come forward to face the music.
The Malacca Chief Minister called on Convenience store owners to stop immediately selling alcohol — deemed as haram (forbidden in Islam) — if Muslims made up more than 90 per cent of the local community.
“We only allow selling of alcohol in convenience stores that are located in areas with a Muslim population that is below 90 per cent. Although, the idea has been lauded, what about areas that has 70-80percent Muslims? Why not include the sale of cigarettes which has been deemed haram as well?
Kurta-ed and garlanded Najib!
Also seeking to protect the sanctity of Islam, three PAS federal lawmakers called on state governments to follow Malacca’s lead and ban the sale of alcohol from convenience stores in Muslim-majority areas, so as to free Muslims from the alcohol industry.
That is all well and good, but Muslim’s are still confused as to why there are no attempts to close down Anchor and Guiness or that great behemoth casino perched on a high mountain overlooking Kuala Lumpur?
The walking dead
With the continued infusion of more religious rituals for Muslims to follow; sooner or later, Muslims would look down on our Non Muslim counterparts as a lost cause with no hope for salvation. Muslims should neither cavort nor try to be friendly with them, so as not to contaminate our purity. We should shun them like zombies sentenced to eternal damnation, without a future and wandering aimlessly with nowhere to go.
Like in the words of a well known Ustaz, Chinese and Indians were only interested in drinking, dancing in discos or robbing others, while it was the Malays who defended the country.
Muslims in the 21st century
And to think that we are now living in the 21st century. Muslims in Malaysia have been warned not to emulate, indulge or live their lives like other Malaysians. We are forbidden to be like them. Act like them or even think like them.
We must segregate ourselves from their sinful acts, and if possible shut them out. The future is simply too dangerous for us weak Muslims to let down our guard. Satan is at every corner trying to lure Muslims away from heaven.
All the Western technology like rocket ships, dna profiling, quantum physics or CSI techniques only serves to confuse Muslims and to lead them astray. We need to go back to time tested religious rituals formulated during the 12th century and recommended by our enlightened religious clerics or risk damnation. What can be better than having 4 reliable witnesses compared to the near obsolete technology like those in the CSI movies?
Muslim dressing
Asri, once respected as a moderate voice in a radical wilderness, seems to be hiding behind his religious cloak when he made the statement, on what or what not to wear. The day will come, when our nation will emulate the rituals of other radical Islamic nations where we will start ripping of tight blue jeans and T-shirts. Already, we are fining women who refuse to wear the headscarf in Kelantan, so the day will come when Hudud finally makes its mark.
Asri should also warn against the wearing of the western suit and tie by our politicians, and recommend that they be attired in proper Islamic garb, like the ones that look so smart on Pas Ulama Council leaders. They should spot a moustache and beard as well for the intrinsic effect.
Western suits and ties are traditionally worn by Sunday church goers in the West. Wearing it would not reflect our religious identity as a Muslim nation.
We should take a hard look at the ‘songkok’ as there are claims that it originates from India. In fact, we should emulate the Saudi headgear for men, so that our women will not complain why they are the only ones, who have to don headgear.
Radical NGOs
Suddenly, our nation has seen the mushrooming of many NGOs purportedly fighting for race, religion and royalty. Disguised as human rights organizations, they are helmed by seemingly religious men, who will vouch that their organizations are anything but extreme. And they all seem to be in unison, that should Umno lose power, not only will the Malays, but Islam too would be doomed.
Muslims in this country should not try to criticize or engage them, as these NGOs are merely protecting the Muslims against an unseen enemy. Our government also relies on them to defend their dignity and their sanctity, and to provide an umbrella for persecuted Ministers like Ismail Sabri or Ustaz’s like Kazim.
Making the right choice
Seriously, many of us are really getting very confused of what is right and wrong, nowadays.
And the emergence of the eminent G25 is adding even more confusion on us poor Muslims. They seem to be against everything, that we have come to accept as pure Islamic rituals.
And to our horror, Muslim’s have just found out in the last few years that we have been living our lives totally wrong – being too liberal and pluralistic. To compensate, we need to be more ritualistic and put our complete trust on the words of our enlightened religious clerics.
We must also stop voting for DAP as it is not ‘halal’. Voting PKR, means you are unwittingly sanctioning an alleged sodomist.
Voting Umno was our duty to our religion, race, royalty and to the nation; and it used to be the best choice where you simply can’t go wrong, until Pas branded Umno as a party of kafirs (infidels), which is a very serious allegation. Besides, Umno is never ever going to be as religious as Pas.
So for me and my extended family and all other good, pious and god-fearing Muslims, there is left with only one ultimate choice. And that is to vote for PAS and putting the Pas flag under our pillow, when we sleep as it may earn us a place in heaven. And once they implement Hudud, there will be no more rape in toilets, jail cells or paedophiles lurking around. - MAILBAG

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