
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, February 5, 2015

PART 3: Tong Kooi Ong the Malaysian Economic Hitman uses his media empire to excessively defend against allegations made on unknown blog. The Economic Hitman saga continues.

Tong Kooi Ong
Malaysian Expose

This post will serve to show the real truth from the spin and excerpts from “Malaysian Economic Hitman” Tong Kooi Ong’s statement made on The Malaysian Insider at :http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/sideviews/article/the-log-of-the-mobile-chat-is-fake-tong-kooi-ong
Malaysian Economic Hitman Tong Kooi Ong is attempting to divert from the real issues in question affecting everyday Malaysians by manipulating The Edge Media Group to report ultra negative and biased news for his personal gain and loss for millions of Malaysians!!!
The real issues affecting Malaysians are:
  1. Is “Malaysia Economic Hitman” Tong Kooi Ong shorting the RM for his personal gain? His USD1b or more position before considering his multi billion hedge fund friendlies. For more information on shorting see previous expose (https://malaysianexpose.wordpress.com/2015/01/28/how-tong-kooi-ong-is-attempting-to-break-bank-negara-and-crash-the-rm-2/)
  2. Is “Malaysia Economic Hitman” Tong Kooi Ong using media empire, The Edge Group to purposely write negative news to drive all investors out of Malaysia, create negative sentiment in Malaysia, cause the RM to drop, and allowing him to make a handsome profit while committing treason to the Malaysian public and making all Malaysians suffer?
Excerpt 1
“The blog also accused me of using The Edge Media Group to irresponsibly paint Malaysia in a negative light for my personal benefit. I have already vehemently and absolutely 
denied that I have ever shorted the ringgit. I do not think it is even possible. I have also never shorted equities. How can I possibly gain from painting Malaysia in a negative light? News media communicates with society by presenting facts, analyses and commentaries on important matters happening around them. Sometimes, they are positive and critical, and other times, they are not. We believe readers want all the facts and views, and they are smart and savvy enough to make up their own minds using the information given to them. We doubt that they can be manipulated.
Over the past 20 years, The Edge has contributed positively to the country by promoting social and economic inclusion. It has the highest level of editorial credibility and it is successful because of this. Our views and reporting are done in the open.” – Excerpt from Tong’s statement on TMI
By purposely publishing damaging articles on the Malaysia Economy and portraying a doomsday sentiment, Tong Kooi Ong manipulating public sentiment for his personal gain.
Below are headlines from The Edge Media Group that Tong Kooi Ong considers “positive”? What you see is what you actually get below! Tong is lying outright!

Speculators like Tong would make money off the falling ringgit due to media created perception of the doom like economical state of Malaysia. Tong would kill two birds with one stone. He would get his revenge and make lots of money of it.
The expertise
Let us not forget that Tong Kooi Ong built Phileo Allied Bank (Malaysia) Berhad with the help of “his political master and boss” before selling it to Maybank (who was forced to buy) at an ultra inflated price of RM1.3 Billion in cash with a further RM20 million being paid for excluded subsidiaries. The sale and purchase agreement was officiated on the 30th August 2000.
With the experience of building a bank and strong financial connections to his “political boss”, Tong has access to international prime brokers & hedge funds from the 1990s who would join in the golden opportunity of shorting the Ringgit like they did previously to profit.
It would be easy to syndicate massive funding to short the ringgit. A combination of Tong’s and his friendlies’ access to funds and leverage could crash the RM if carried out in a coordinated manner.
Tong acting alone with US1b plus would not be able to crash the ringgit but by working in concert with his international and local friendlies to syndicate multi-billion leveraged facilities, this would be possible as per 1990s. Take note that Soros did not act alone, it was a coordinated effort by multiple fund holders and when enough chips in the armor were made, the market followed. This time is even worse than Tun Mahathir days as Tong is openly using The Edge Media Group to commit “Economic Kill Bill” against Malaysia.
He sits on the board of 8 local and foreign companies. Documents, conservation logs of Tong and his brokers will be revealed. We thank you the brave Malaysians working at a foreign based bank whom provided this information.
We will reveal soon the links that these companies have to funding other websites and bloggers to write negatively about the Malaysian Economy. It will also reveal his money laundering activities for his “previous boss”. Stay tuned for episode 3 as the saga continues.

The connections
Tong Kooi Ong is a very experienced broker with strong connections to financial institutions.
Excerpt 2
“As for the fake phone chat log, I invite the relevant authorities to investigate. I suspect such records can be obtained from the telecommunication company for verification. It is also clear that the last 2 digits of the phone number are missing from the screen grab posted. Why blank it out if it is genuine?” Finally, anyone who knows me will confirm that many of the words used, such as “friendlies” and “jugular” are not part of my vocabulary.
–Excerpt from Tong’s statement on TMI.
We hereby reveal the second last number of the phone. Honestly, we think that it is an intrusion of privacy if we were to reveal all. Can Tong say that all the digits so far are incorrect? We have a phone statement clearly with his address and name and number. Nevertheless, since Tong has asked for it, we would be more than happy to oblige. He has until today not provided any evidence that this is fake other than an outright denial.
Investigations by the police will ultimately confirm the truth.
On Tong’s alleged attempts to sabotage the Malaysian economy through currency speculation, Dr Mahathir said the claim should be investigated.
“Last time, our currency fell because of international traders. After that we can investigate whether he (Tong) has ties with Soros,” Dr Mahathir said, referring to billionaire financier and hedge fund manager who had targeted the ringgit in the 1997 Asian financial crisis.
We stand by Tun Mahathir and urge Tong Kooi Ong be investigated, so that the truth about his Economic Sabotage and pain that he is bringing to Malaysians can be brought to justice!
In order to short a currency, a certain appetite for risk is necessary. George Soros the man who is known by many as the man who broke the bank of England famously said “go for the jugular” to his chief portfolio manager. Economic Sabotuer Tong Kooi Ong is working with Soros former fund managers and is adopting the same aggressive investment style and motivates his team members in the same way… (additional reading at: (http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2010/06/go-for-the-jugular/57696/)
Excerpt 3
We do not hide behind blogs who do not reveal themselves.
Tong is overtly defensive
If the allegation is untrue then why is Tong Kooi Ong so defensive against an anonymous blog unless he has something to hide? A single press statement would have sufficed but instead there have been 5 statements made on The Malaysian Insider alone and this is in response to an unknown blog with limited reach. Many defences have come also from purported ‘third party’ writers. Are these writers paid by Malaysia’s Economic Hit man Tong Kooi Ong?
(has since been removed – hiding something???)
With regard to statements made in anonymity, perhaps Tong can clarify who wrote the following articles. Why hide when you preach transparency? Is this not hypocritical?

Editorials made in anonymity would be interpreted as the voice of the news portal. If this is the case then what should the general public make of this voice?
Untitled-13 Untitled-14 Untitled-15 Untitled-16

Excerpt 4
“The person behind all these baseless attacks is clearly acting out of desperation. After attacking Dr Mahathir in his other blogs (politikukus.wordpress.com and kronismemahathir.wordpress.com), he now fabricates a story that Dr Mahathir could be manipulated by me. Dr Mahathir deserves a lot more credit and respect than that. Calling Dr Mahathir senile and listing 10 reasons why Dr Mahathir should be jailed (kronismemahathir.wordpress.com, October 1, 2014 and August 25, 2014) is disrespectful and vicious. It shows how fearful this person, and whoever that is behind him, is of the criticism and issues our former PM has raised in recent times, and the reporting of The Edge Media Group.” – Excerpt from Tong’s statement in TMI.
This is coming from the owner of a media empire who is responding excessively to an unknown blog? Who is the one who is scared? Stop trying to redirect the conversation from the issues at hand. Answer this: what was your role and relationship with “your political boss” in 1990s? Why were you signatories of various accounts which ultimately had funds reach the hands of this particular politician? Money laundering?

Why is Tong so worried?
Why worry about this anonymous blog when Malaysia Economic Sabotuer Tong Kooi Ong could otherwise be sipping wine retiring in Canada. Which brings us to our next point.
Tong Kooi Ong is a compulsive liar from his involvement in 1990s short selling of RM with foreign hedge funds, to money laundering for politician boss, to using media to kill Malaysia Economy.
Tong Kooi Ong possesses both a Canadian and a Malaysian passport. Why hide this fact? Why hide unless you have lie after lie!
The only way a person who has been born a Malaysian citizen can have his citizenship revoked is if he obtains the citizenship of another country, as Malaysia does not recognise dual citizenships.
Under Article 24 of the Federal Constitution, the Federal Government may by order deprive Tong Kooi Ong’s Malaysian citizenship. So we call upon the relevant authority to investigate, before he destroys Malaysia, make money by robbing poor Malaysians by manipulating media and short selling to kill RM, and then run back to Canada!
Question for Tong Kooi Ong: Please state if you have more than one passport?
What happens next?
When asked on news reports that media tycoon Datuk Tong Kooi Ong had committed economic sabotage and had a hand in the weakening of the ringgit, Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar said “if the claims were true, the businessman will have to face the music”
It is good that the relevant authorities are already investigating and we will furnish further evidence to them and to all Malaysian public.
The purpose of this blog is to bring up issues that are in the interests of the general public who are suffering from Economic Hitman Tong Kooi Ong’s actions whom is making a fortune by manipulating and lying to Malaysians at the expense of hard working Malaysians and their livelihoods.
So Economic Sabotuer Tong Kooi Ong, do you have two passports? You can run but you can’t hide. The truth prevails.
Allegations have been made that this blog serves political masters however readers are urged to judge this blog based on the facts presented. Similarly, it can be easily be interpreted that Din Merican is a pro-TMI blogger.
A commentary by The Malaysian Insider
Note that Din Merican carried this same headline on his blog and also was one of the first to defend Tong Kooi Ong with a personal story of how they met in Cambodia in the 1990s. (http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/sideviews/article/tong-kooi-ong-is-not-a-currency-speculator-din-merican)
I will leave it to the readers and relevant authorities to decide for themselves. Side tracking from the issue will not bring the allegations to rest. Keep in mind that Tong has been excessively defending against allegations from an anonymous blog.

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