
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Police top brass need re-education on rakyat’s constitutional rights – N. Surendran

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I refer to the statement on February 23, 2015 by police national crime prevention director Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani attacking the public who hold rallies in support of jailed opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as having “nothing better to do”.
This statement shows an appalling disregard and contempt for the rakyat's constitutional rights as guaranteed in the Federal Constitution. In fact, it is an outright insult to the Malaysian public.
Article 10 of the Fed Constitution affirms every Malaysian's right to assemble peacefully. This is the highest law of the land. Surely high-ranking police officers should show due respect and regard to the constitution.
holding rallies protesting against Anwar's jailing. In fact, his warning was unlawful, whereas those who had gathered peacefully had acted lawfully.
Under the Peaceful Assembly Act 2012 (PAA), permits are not required for holding a public assembly. Therefore, the police have no right to prohibit or warn against the holding of any public rally.
Police can only intervene if any rally actually disrupts public order.
There can be no dispute that all the Anwar solidarity gatherings have
been entirely peaceful.
We note that the police are now trying to ignore the provisions of the PAA, by clamping down on peaceful rallies using section 143 Penal Code. This is a gross misuse of section 143, which is meant to punish gatherings held with a criminal intent.
The rakyat is, thus, effectively deprived of the right to gather peacefully.
It is time the police top brass are re-educated to understand and respect the constitutional and fundamental rights of the rakyat.
It is time the BN government gave due regard and respect to rights spelled out in the Federal Constitution, the supreme law of the land.
* N. Surendran is the Padang Serai MP.

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