
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Black and White Minstrel Show -2

 Nothing like a short sex story to spice it up.

No one should expect PM Najib to step in and stop KJ and Shafee Abdulah from inflicting the finishing touch on Anwar. KJ and Shafee have efficiency, competence and more importantly, an enabling structure- full use of government power. 
Najib completes the triumvirate of evil by offering governmental power. In an un-Clausewitzian way, politics is the extension of the legal war by another means.

So why should Najib step in to stop the destruction of Anwar?

Isn’t this the objective all along because to Najib and BN, Anwar stands in their way to domination? The objective is to cut off Anwar from feeding off the Malay sentimentalism over emotions such as loyalty, kind-heartedness, chivalry over a defeated opponent. 
Many Malays attach a sense of sad kindness to Anwar despite alleged personal imperfections.  That poses a danger to UMNO.

Malays must have none of those. Malays must develop values such as efficiency, ruthlessness and competence. How to deal with the Chinese if Malays are soft and sentimental? Already the UMNO hoi poloi are regarded as useful idiots; things cannot progress if they and the Malays are also sentimental fools.

Our response to what KJ and Shafee and UMNO are doing, should not be couched at all in the language of a supplicant. Shafee says he is willing to take oath in the mosque or even the Kaabah affirming his belief after studying the legal documents. That Anwar is guilty. No one can fault him if he stands before the Kaabah proclaiming that based on the documents he has, he believed.

His belief is grounded on the knowledge in his possession and he does not care about extraneous considerations. Nobody can fault if he honestly believed.

His belief must be demolished by an equal belief by the lawyers defending Anwar going around and rebutting point by point what Shafee says.

Belief vs belief.

The KJ-Shafee roadshow gives Pakatan a reason to offer a syllabus about the tyranny, governmental dishonesty, corruption for people to judge. KJ and Shafee has only a chapter to offer.

Yesterday, Shafee Abdullah spends time with matronly looking wanita UMNO continuing his triumphalism and bragging rights. Needless to say Shafee talks to them about Anwar’s Kamasutraic actions eliciting obvious passion-stirring reactions among the spirit willing, flesh is weakwanita UMNO.

For a brief moment Shafee Abdullah did a great service to most of the women assembled in Putrajaya- giving them a chance to mentally relive a previous active sex life- or perhaps still is. On hand to cheerlead Shafee on is his 4thCollege UM mate and Law course mate, Shahrizat Jalil.

KJ on the other hand is motivated by his political ambitions and eagerness to establish pole position in the pecking order; his behaviour will not go unnoticed by the others.

Those who wish Najib will step in, are attributing too much finesse beyond what the man deserves. The mark of the man is, he looks after his interest first and foremost by sowing seeds of dissension among UMNO members. That is basically an extension of how he operates as division head in UMNO Pekan; let all the other positions below him be contested and battled, as long as his own position as division head is untouched. It is his birth right.

Tun Daim recently told me, UMNO will find its own level. That is, after the dust has settled, a leader naturally emerges. But before that happens, UMNO will sink to its own level of meanness.

The party is divided between those who think enough has been done to Anwar and those who think Anwar must be utterly humiliated and the family destroyed.

We must not stop KJ and company from going around. We must stop being a supplicant.

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