
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

An open letter to Umno members – J. D. Lovrenciear

As prime minister of a nation, Datuk Seri Najib Razak has betrayed our trust
After all the hocus-pocus, mumbo-jumbo, threats and denials, the prime minister of Malaysia who is also the head of the political party Umno now turns around and says that the RM2.6 billion alleged to have entered his personal bank account is a donation.
Malaysians must all be darn, dumb and bloody fools to be sold this spin. And to drive home this unsavoury fact, the Umno Youth leader Khairy Jamaluddin rubs it in even deeper by claiming that there is nothing wrong in accepting donations. Gosh!
Where was your sense of prudent leadership if we may ask?
With this “clearance” by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) that your 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) is now trumpeting so loudly, let truth be told.
You and your new line up of Cabinet minions have lost all credibility in the eyes of millions of informed Malaysians.
While you can scream your Bugis warrior’s war cry of “we have three million members behind us”, you also need to know that there are 10 times more citizens out there who have lost all trust in you, let alone the many times more millions of Malays who are not Umno members.
In case the filters propped up by your gravy train robbers and pathetic loyalists are keeping the truth from reaching your ears and eyes, you need to know that the recent 50,000 people in Malacca who came to meet you and your wife did not tell you that they also share similar sentiments to what even the humble blue collar citizens all over the country are saying with shaking heads.
And dear fellow brothers and sisters of Umno please do not let the founding fathers of Umno turn in their graves. You need to stand up for truth.
You need to keep the Malay culture that has always been the corner stone of a civil and admirable society untainted.
You need to let the shining armour of Islam that is also your guiding religion in life not to be desecrated.
This nation is sinking into even more dangerous ravines that our next generation of citizens may be trapped in for a long time to come. Do not play blind to this reality.
Lessons abound all around us in the region. Look at the Myanmar of today compared to the Burma that was in the 1960s. Look at Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia and the most recent being the Philippines.
If we all love our nation; if we all are grateful to our God for this land of abundance and bell weather we call the home of our forefathers and the golden future for our great grandchildren to come; if we believe in the religions we profess to uphold; if we believe and revere our Rulers – then, we must let the speed of honour, dignity, justice, truth and honesty be our national armour in this unprecedented battle against all the sins that will eventually only destroy our future.
* J. D. Lovrenciear reads The Malaysian Insider.

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