
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, August 6, 2015

Destroying and discrediting your own Civil Service

While all the crap is going on, the Ringgit has fallen further. It is now below RM3.9027 to the US Dollar:

Over the past two weeks, just to save the backsi*e of some hippo and the herd, the image of Malaysian Civil Service, the uniformed services, the legal services, the central bank and the anti corruption commission have been terribly tarnished and damaged.

The Chief Secretary's position is now worth about as much as recycled toilet paper. 

The general public has a really low view of these chiefs. 

Right now if you are a Tan Sri or a Dato Sri in the Civil Service you have as much regard from the public as the weekend rubbish for Monday's garbage collection. 

The worst is the I*P's position. Never has the country seen such a b*lless b*ll carrier s*cking up so hard to his master. Disgraceful would be a kind word to describe the situation.

With the firing of the AG, the AG's Chambers has been thrashed in the dumpster. The people have lost all faith in the integrity of the system.

The MACC Chief has found it necessary to go on leave for a week. I think its his second week. Talk is he may not return.

Rumour is the Governor of Bank Negara is under great pressure to resign. She is resisting.    

The Governor is an appointment by the Agong. So is the Chief of the MACC.   Both these positions can only be terminated by the Agong.

I always believed the AG was also appointed by the Agong.  Apparently not.

Now the Police have been set like hounds to pounce on the MACC.   Here is Minister Pau Low on the subject : 

Police crackdown on MACC high-handed, says Paul Low
Published: 6 August 2015 12:48 PM

Police have raided the MACC offices in Putrajaya in a series of actions which minister Datuk Paul Low described as 'high-handed'. – The Malaysian Insider

Police acted in a high-handed manner in their raids and arrests of (MACC) officers over (1MDB) probe, said Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Paul Low.

Low.. said action impacted negatively on the country, both locally and abroad.

"The police are showing high-handedness in handling this issue.
Seven MACC officials picked up for questioning 

police action followed ..RM2.6b deposited in Najib's accounts.

MACC confirmed the huge sum, came from a Middle Eastern donor

MACC ..said it would ask Najib to provide explanation 

                                                      At last Paul Low found his voice

room for improvement on how police handled the officers

just call them up and I am sure they will go," he said

the current action ...harassment.

"The police have to be mindful that the documents they had seized are part of MACC's investigative papers and if MACC were to continue to do its jobs, they have to get the documents back intact," he said. – August 6, 2015.

- See more at: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysia/article/police-crackdown-on-macc-high-handed-says-paul-low#sthash.iTOozVdl.dpuf

Ini bukan saya cakap tau. Ini Minister Paul Low sendiri cakap.

Folks, how many of you think that the evidence confiscated by the Police from the MACC will remain intact and be kept safe? 

There is now an undeclared war between the MACC and the Police. 

Here is one MACC director who was forced to undergo a Police interrogation saying that he will look for the culprits who ordered his interrogation 'sampai ke lubang cacing'.

Ini pun bukan saya cakap tau. Ini Dato Bahri MACC yang cakap. 

Sounds like Dato Bahri has declared war on the Police.

Here are some more pictures showing the high handed behaviour  of the Police (using Paul Low's words) towards the MACC officers :

The above montage is of Police raiding the MACC offices.  When the raid at the offices did not show any evidence of wrong doing the Police raided the houses of some MACC officers :

This picture below here shows Police raiding the kitchen in one of the houses of the MACC officers. It looks like the ladies are under "kitchen arrest". Maybe they were looking for kicap pekat.

Raids were also conducted in the dining room. Maybe they were looking for the 'smoking fried ikan kembong'.

Here is my advice to the MACC (I was an Advisor to the MACC remember?)  

The MACC is an independent body. It does not report to the PM. 

The MACC can arrest anyone inside Malaysia if investigations show possible grounds for corruption or corrupt behaviour.  Anyone can be arrested by the MACC.  

I strongly suggest that the MACC, starting from my friend Tan Sri Abu Kassim, swallow some extra vitamins and issue some warrants of arrest. 

The whole world knows that you have enough evidence. (Takkan Gani Patail kena pecat sebab perangai Suluk dia saja?)

Now they are taking action against you (MACC) pula. 

You just have to issue the warrant of arrest. 

Whether the new AG will proceed with filing charges in Court is outside your jurisdiction. 

But a warrant of arrest is certainly within the MACC's power and authority.  

A warrant of arrest is and must be a public document. So tell the whole world that you have issued your warrant of arrest.  Then lets see what they will do?

Tuan2, they cannot fire you.  Dont forget the MACC is an independent body.  It is really up to you.

p.s. Tuan2 di MACC listen carefully. 

1. The AG has been fired.
2. Ketua SB has been replaced.
3. Dato Shukri your Deputy Boss has been replaced.
4. MACC officers have been arrested.
5. Dato Bahri has been interrogated
6. Bank Negara people have been questioned.

All this 'high handedness' (aka bullying) has happened because there is evidence or because there is no evidence? Please answer honestly.

So you still cannot issue even ONE single warrant of arrest?

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