
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, August 6, 2015

#SokongSPRM: The hypocrisy of some ...

I don't have to harp about my faith in and support for our anti-graft men and women. You can simply google-search my past blog postings and they'll do the bragging for me. I can't say the same for the hypocrites who have now emerged from nowhere as instant champions of SPRM.
12.50 AM 6 Aug 2015 

For I still remember how not too long ago the mysterious death of DAP stafferTeoh Beng Hock, who had been helping the Malaysian Anti-Corruptoin Commission with investigation into misappropriation of funds in the party when he fell to his death, was used by these hypocrites to the max and at every chance to harrass the MACC and eventually cow them into  stopping the investigation altogether. 
They brought in a Thai forensic expert who was able to conclude that TBH had been the victim of murder - not suicide - just by looking at some pictures sent to her! Hypocrites went on for a couple of years at least telling Malaysians how corrupt the anti-graft boys themselves were, that they were BN stooges, and that they were the ones who had killed TBH! Poorr TBH was later used as a rallying point for hypocrites' political parties during national elections. I don't have to go into the details of the sentiments the hypocrites played up during the rallies to demonize the MACC. 
Go, support the SPRM as you all should have done all along. But first, scums, have the decency to apologize to SPRM chief Abu Kassim for the injustices you've committed against him and his men and women these last 5-6 years. -rocky's bru

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