
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, August 8, 2015

Pemberontakan Dalam Parti UMNO Makin Merebak

Disclaimer : This is about the UMNO party ok. Nothing about that 'against workings of democracy' bullshit ok. Simpan sejuk.

Here is a picture from Pulai in Johor. It has been carried in the online media and no one has disputed it yet.  It is self explanatory :

Syabas kepada UMNO Bandar Pulai Jaya 2 di Johor. Syabas, syabas dan seribu kali syabas.  Syabas juga UMNO Johor.

Johor adalah tanah kelahiran UMNO.  Memang padan, wajar dan bertanggungjawab bagi Johor membangkit untuk menyelamatkan UMNO daripada kehancuran.

There is a rebellion starting to spread inside the UMNO party. There is a lot of  undercurrent in the party that is totally against the president. It is gaining momentum and is about to break the surface.  The banner above is just one small symptom. This morning I am informed there is another similar banner in Johor.

Surprisingly it is not Johor that is leading the charge. My sources say that Pahang UMNO has turned against the president.  Surprise ! Surprise !

First off UMNO Bentong which is the home of Adnan Yaakob the Menteri Besar invited Muhyiddin Yasin instead to officiate their Bahagian meeting.   Adnan Yaakob of course has never been a big fan of Najib.  

Three other bahagian in Pahang (which I will not name) are also going for broke. They are turning against the president. Two weeks ago Pahang folks told me about this 'wind of change' in Pahang. There is a source for this wind - which again I will not divulge. 

The other state where the rebellion is gaining ground is Sabah. Firing Shafie Apdal and appointing Salleh Keruak has split UMNO Sabah between the Suluks (Shafie) and the Bajaus (Keruak). Gani Patail is also a Suluk.  But it is not just a clan thing. Sabah people (and Sarawak people too) are getting really tired of all the crap from Putrakaya. 

Kepada semua bahagian dan cawangan UMNO diseluruh pelusuk negara, mahal sangat ke nak buat banner atau kain rentang? 

Tidak ada siapa pun yang boleh selamatkan keadaan kecuali ahli-ahli UMNO sendiri.
 Surah Raad : 11    

"Bagi tiap-tiap seorang ada malaikat penjaganya silih berganti dari hadapannya dan dari belakangnya, yang mengawas dan menjaganya dengan perintah Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak mengubah apa yang ada pada sesuatu kaum sehingga mereka mengubah apa yang ada pada diri mereka sendiri. Dan apabila Allah menghendaki untuk menimpakan kepada sesuatu kaum bala bencana maka tiada sesiapapun yang dapat menolak atau menahan apa yang ditetapkanNya itu, dan tidak ada sesiapapun yang dapat menolong dan melindungi mereka selain daripadaNya."

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