
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, August 24, 2015

Shahbudin: Leadership decides Malays ‘bangsat’ or otherwise

Najib is from the bangsawan (feudal nobility) but the words that he sometimes utters in public betray that heritage.
KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, lamented a political analyst in his latest blog posting, has been responsible more than anyone else in the ‘kebangsatan’ of the Malay people. “The nation and Umno will be better off without him around. Pink lips (Najib) should not have hurled the bangsat word against Malays. Bangsat is a word more used by the dirty and dark-lipped by the roadside.”
From haram jadah, to bangang to bangsat, this may not be the end of the matter, the analyst fears. “We await what new words of insult that Najib will hurl at the Malays. Probably, the next term to be used will be even more insulting and humiliating and putting all others used so far in the shade.”
“What determines whether Malays become bangsat or otherwise was not whether Umno retains or loses political power but the quality of the leadership.” (bangsat is akin to outcaste (pariah) made up of the extremely poor, the destitute, rogues, rascals, and vagrants).
The analyst wonders how Najib will be able to explain the ‘kebangsatan’ issues like the RM42 billion 1MDB scandal, the RM2.6 billion in his personal accounts and other scandals and issues. “Will the RM2.6 billion save Malays from becoming a bangsat people?”
Shahbudin Husin pointed out that the Malays in Selangor, Penang and Kelantan, all ruled by the informal opposition alliance in Parliament, don’t feel that they are now a bangsat people, with Umno no longer ruling these states. “The Malays in these states are happy. They laugh more than Malays in states ruled by Umno.”
“They have not been chased out of their homes into the streets.”
Meanwhile, he added, the ‘kebangsatan’ of Malays in states under Umno continues. “Umno, more than any other political party in the country, is trying to turn Malays into a bangsat people.”
“The shares, land, and permits meant to strengthen the Malay economy are being monopolised by a small group in Umno to sell to others. The Malays are being denied the benefits by Umno leaders. Umno is headed into the Dark Ages, burdening the people with GST, and the rising cost of living among others, all under the guise of national interest.”
Shahbudin was commenting on Najib warning that the Malays will become a bangsat people if he and Umno were not around to look after their welfare.
“Although Najib’s lineage traces back to the bangsawan (feudal nobility), and hence expected to be cultured, the words that he sometimes utters doesn’t reflect that heritage and indeed betrays it.”
“It’s unfortunate because his father, Abdul Razak, was highly regarded.”
The children of the feudal nobility, explained the analyst, were taught to be berbudi bahasa (one’s bearing including in language), not rough but soft-spoken, in keeping with their character and personality, as seen in their attire and even in the kind of food they consume everyday. “Seldom do we see anak-anak (children) bangsawan utter words that are not in keeping with their heritage, personality and character, what more if one has become Prime Minister.”
Before the latest controversy, bangsat, the analyst reminded that Najib described the Malays as haram jadah, a word which has various connotations including bastard, traitor, shameless, disloyal, insincere and not worthy to share in good fortune. “He used the term haram jadah to describe those who opposed the public listing of Felda Global Ventures, FGV, on the Bursa Saham Malaysia. He reckoned that they were haram jadah because they rejected the benefits which the government was trying to give them.”
“Everyone knows today that the FGV public listing was not the right move. The share price doesn’t even reach RM2 compared with the RM4.55 when the company was publicly listed.”
Still on FGV, the analyst asked who was the real haram jadah. “The public listing isn’t the only scandal. There are the reported cases on Felda using the funds of the settlers to buy properties outside the country to the extent that the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission had to step in. Several individuals who were involved in suspected profiteering had to be remanded for investigations.”
It’s fortunate for Najib that he has not mentioned Felda for quite some time now, added the analyst. “If the settlers don’t hurl the haram jadah term at him, they are being berbudi bahasa.”
Shahbudin recalls Najib describing the bloggers being on the take from Umno as bangang (stupid with all its connotations). “They collect money from us but are not smart enough in defending the party’s leaders. They engage in friendly fire, sniping at the very leadership which is paying them. How bangang can you get?” Shahbudin quoted Najib as saying during the party’s last general assembly. “They are more interested in shooting at Umno leaders rather than at the enemy.”
“Many bloggers were ashamed at the public disclosure that they had been on the take.”

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