
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, August 9, 2015

SHOCKER: Najib invited himself to Pasir Gudang, Khaled has to tell crowd not to heckle PM

SHOCKER: Najib invited himself to Pasir Gudang, Khaled has to tell crowd not to heckle PM
Prime Minister and Umno president Najib Abdul Razak’s officiating of the Pasir Gudang Umno division’s annual general meeting today was expected to be a fiery event.
However, it was all rather muted, especially during Najib's off-the-cuff speech, in which delegates seemed mostly disinterested in what their party president had to say.
"I am touched that Pasir Gudang Umno wholeheartedly welcomed my being here," Najib said at the start of his speech.
But instead of the whooping applause that usually accompanies such acknowledgement, only about half of the delegates bothered to clap.
Even when the prime minister chided that he would withdraw the 1Malaysia People's Aid (BR1M), only a few bothered to respond.
In comparison, there was more enthusiasm during Johor Menteri Besar Khaled Nordin's written, opening speech, which was made just before Najib's.
The delegates clapped and cheered when Khaled told them to respect Najib's decision to axe Muhyiddin Yassin from the cabinet "even though some of us are hurt".
They even gave Khaled a standing ovation when he ended his address.
Met after the opening ceremony, delegates were mixed about the response.
"The prime minister's speech was good… but the way he spoke lacked spirit, it was muted. So it didn't arouse us.
"In comparison, the menteri besar's speech was very clear," Kampung Rumah 10 Umno branch youth vice-chief Mohd Rizwan Mohd Daim told Malaysiakini.
Another delegate, who did not wish to be named, said it was difficult to tell why the audience reacted differently to Najib and Khaled.
However, he told Malaysiakini he was disappointed with Najib's speech.
"I'm disappointed, he didn't answer what we asked," he said, before walking away.
It is believed that a rebellion is brewing in Johor, after Najib removed Muhyiddin from the cabinet.
Kluang Umno last week approved a motion urging Najib to answer questions about 1MDB and the murder of Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu.
Yesterday, the Umno Parit Sulong division dedicated an anti-government poem to Umno's top guns, which among others criticised the government for squandering he people's savings.
Muhyiddin has urged the party to remain united, but has been using the Umno Johor divisional meetings he attended to take jabs at his former boss. - M'kini

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