
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, August 16, 2015

Surat Terbuka Kepada Shahrir Samad

Datuk Seri,

Somehow within UMNO you have a reputation as a person of slightly better integrity than the rest of the pack.  Considering the trajectory UMNO has taken since 2003 (ie over the past TWELVE LONG YEARS), that is quite a rat pack.

The company you keep does define the person that you are.

Along the way you have also been appointed to the Public Accounts Committee - yet another position where integrity appears to be a prerequisite, although not quite an absolute.

The past Chairman said he would not accept any appointments until his tasks at the PAC were completed. Lo and behold they promoted him to Water Carrier and he is gone.  

'A man's word is his bond'.  'A man is as good as his word'. Fancy words that are still finding their footing in our country.

Presently you belong to the "Backbenchers Club" -  I really dont know what is a 'backbencher' in our Malaysian Parliament. I looked up the Wikipedia and this is what they say:


"In Westminster parliamentary systems, a backbencher is a Member of Parliament (MP) or a legislator who holds no governmental office and is not a frontbench spokesperson in the Opposition, being instead simply a member of the "rank and file".

The term dates from 1855. A backbencher may be a new parliamentary member yet to receive high office, a senior figure dropped from government or someone who for whatever reason is not chosen to sit either in the ministry or the opposition Shadow Ministry. By extension, a backbencher is not a reliable supporter of all of their party's goals and policies."

"By extension, a backbencher is not a reliable supporter of all of their party's goals and policies."   I dont know how you place yourself. A party's goals nd policies can shift. Like the proverbial shifting goal posts.

Lately the online publication that has been exposing so much about the Prime Minister and the whole financial controversies that surround the Prime Minister has also mentioned you.

I am not able to mention them by name because the gomen has said that mentioning or reproducing any of their material may be deemed a crime.  What an act of un-selfless self preservation by the gomen. Two negatives do make a positive.

The online publication claims (they did not bother to use the word 'alleged') that you have benefited from the 'money'  ongoings around the Prime Minister. They even mentioned a specific amount.

As a Member of Parliament, a member of the ruling party, as a former member of the Public Accounts Committee and as a member of the Backbenchers Club (I still dont know what that means in Malaysia)  I hope you can say something about this latest expose which has included your name as well.

Despite the ban by the gomen, I believe thousands if not millions of people already know about this. Their stories are also read by people all around the world. It is called 'online' - which the gomen has no way at all of  censoring or banning.

From past experience, the things they say have been proven true. To the extent that our gomen had to appoint Task Forces and the PAC to investigate the things they have published.  Surely you do not appoint Task Forces and the PAC to investigate a 'white woman's whims and fancies'.

In other words, the 'white woman' possibly has further documentary evidence for what she says.

So I hope you will step forward bravely to answer their latest posts where you are also mentioned.

p.s. The men in the street also wonder 'Do you pay any income tax? If you received a windfall, did you pay tax on the windfall?'  Just wondering. You are a towering public figure, the public just wants to know. Thank you.

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