
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, August 17, 2015

ZAHID DESTABILIZING MALAYSIA WITH 'PLOT GAMES': It's corruption, not Ku Li or Dr M that's toppling Najib's govt

ZAHID DESTABILIZING M'SIA WITH 'PLOT GAMES': It's corruption, not Ku Li or Dr M that's toppling Najib's govt
What else Malaysians will be fed with in the days and months to come is any sane person’s wild guess. At the rate the Malaysian politicians are churning out all kinds of inflammatory and high-speculation statements, one wonders on which planet Malaysia really is.
The latest serial-drama like dishing out of fear-laced statements is now centered on someone plotting to topple the government of the day. Such ridiculous claims by non-other than the deputy prime minister of Malaysia who is also the captain of the nation’s Home Ministry not only makes the leaders look foolishly silly but in fact provide the very reasons for the further sinking of Malaysia’s economic and along with it the political well being.
While the citizens on the other side of the sovereign ‘debt’ company, the 1MDB, sneer at the absurd statements being churned out in desperate attempts to shield, slitter away from and attempt a Houdini-act to erase the numerous unanswered questions affecting this unprecedented scheme of money-making trail, the politicians must accept the fact that such alarming statements also do frighten away tourists and investors.
What is worse is, hot on the heels of the less than twenty-four hours of alarm-raising by Datuk Seri Zahid, came his breakthrough assurance that the person plotting to topple the government has realized his/her folly and is going to apologize to the prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak.
Zahid Hamidi
Please politicians you were hired on the tax payers money to stop all this game-chasing politicking. Instead in your desperate attempts to plug the bursting pipelines of 1MDB, you are creating unnecessary alarm let alone making the nation’s reputation of a democratic governance sink even further.
If there is anything that is certain to bring down any governments in this new age it is corruption. Got it?!
So go and fight the real enemy of a progressive and harmonious nation, corruption.
Today if you think that the United Malays Nationalist Organization (Umno) is under threat it is not because people are plotting an evil scheme. The very many current Divisional Meetings are clearly telling the Najib coterie that they want crystal clear accountability and transparency.
What is increasingly becoming very apparent even to the global and distant media world is that the right-minded citizens of Malaysia are determined to fight the real enemy which is corruption. At some critical defining moment of truth, the people will rise above the narrow alleys of party-allegiance and faked loyalty to converge on a common and higher platform of good governance.
For good governance is the only currency of hope and premium protection against the real enemy of nation-hood, corruption.
At that point, which in all probability may be witnessed at the planned Bersih 4.0 mammoth rally soon, the message will be clearly chiseled into the nation’s milestone of aspirations that our enemy who must be conquered at all cost but in a peaceful manner is corruption.
So if you do not want your Umno or the Najib administration to be under any perceived or real threat, stop the serial dramas and instead work relentlessly to convince the citizens and the watching, global community that you have zero tolerance for corruption. And to do that, endorse and act on all the good and best practice advice that netizens and civil society leaders have propagated all these recent months out of a sheer passion for the nation’s future. - MAILBAG

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