
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, February 2, 2017

Apabila Kita Bodoh, Ini Yang Akan Berlaku : Uselessly Arguing Over Zakir Naik

I must say that for the first time I agree with Malacca Chief Minister Idris Haron. Here is the news :

Foreign Islamic prea­chers no longer allowed to talk in Malacca,  Idris Haron.

state Islamic dept to turn away foreign preachers from now on

Foreign preachers don’t comprehend our culture, sensitivities. 

their sermons incite hatred, jeopardise harmony between races 

Idris revealed 157 foreign preachers held talks in Malacca 2015 - 2016

from Indonesia, Pakistan, Thailand, India, Yemen, Iraq, Syria.

their talks lead to radicalism, distrust, abhorrence of other faiths.

foreign preachers egoistic, not willing to compromise 

our values of preserving Malaysia’s rich diversity of cultures, religions.

Islam teaches us to care for others

April last year, controversial Zakir Naik barred from giving talk in Malacca

Read more at http://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2017/02/02/youre-not-allowed-to-give-talks-in-malacca-foreign-preachers-told/#CGEQdj7xIk1cDym5.99

My comments :  Syabas Dato Idris Haron. At last a Chief Minister with some brains and also guts.  

I must also state that Nazri Aziz has also spoken against the presence of Zakir Naik in Malaysia. 

I hope more Cabinet Ministers, Menteri Besars and others will speak up against the presence of Zakir Naik and other foreign Islamic preachers. 

Now here is something else related to Zakir Naik. Here is a lawyer's letter sent by Waythamoorthy to Zahid Hamidi the Minister of Home Afffairs giving notice of legal action if the Minister does not provide credible answers to some questions about Zakir Naik. 

Here is the letter through the law firm of Karthig Shan, Advocates and Solicitors: 

My comments :  Saya nak tanya soalan sikit. Kenapa Menteri-Menteri, jabatan-jabatan agama, Jakim, Jabatan Perdana Menteri semua boleh jadi bodoh macam ini? Why are you all so stupid? 

Ever since this Zakir Naik fellow appeared in Malaysia, it has caused one controversy after another.  It is never ending. 

First you gave him that Maal Hijrah Award (with over RM100,000 cash money). Itu duit kita lah bodoh. There were people (other than me) who did not agree that Zakir Naik should be given any award.

Then Zakir Naik's planned talk about "Hinduism and Islam" in Malacca created so much controversy.  Finally the Malacca gomen banned him from delivering that talk.

Then the really stupid Menteri Besar of Terengganu - from the "cebuk dale sungai" species announced that he wanted to give Zakir Naik three islands in Tasik Kenyir. Even his own Sultan was shocked and stripped the MB of his Datoship title !! 

Now, referring to Zakir Naik,  you have Idris Haron making it plain and clear that foreign preachers will NOT be allowed into Malacca. Syabas Idris.  

At one time, long before Idris,  Malacca also banned the Tabligh cult from operating in Malacca.

Then we have Waythamoorthy sending a legal notice to Zahid Hamidi to answer some questions about the granting of PR status to Zakir Naik.

One academic tells me that the award of a Permanent Resident status by the Minister cannot be challenged in Court.   

I think what Waythamoorthy is demanding is confirmation if indeed the Minister has awarded Zakir Naik a PR status. He wants to establish the facts first. 

This Zakir Naik issue is evidence of stupidity. Isu Zakir Naik ini membuktikan akan kebodohan ramai pemimpin. Dan kebodohan pengikut mereka.

You are creating unnecessary controversy and argument in the country over some retard preacher who is of absolutely no relevance to this country. 

Our Police Chiefs have already warned us about the dangers of Salafism.

Pasal apa nak cari pasal macam ini? Why do you all want to create trouble?

Are you also "Muslims under the influence of satan" or MUIS ? Tak ada kerja lain ke yang boleh beri lebih makna dan yang lebih berfaedah kepada umat manusia?

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