
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, February 19, 2017

Noh's thumbs up signals Jamal's 'quit Umno' sandiwara over

YOURSAY | If this is how Umno acts as the opposition, imagine what would happen if they lose Putrajaya.'
CQ Muar: Sungai Besar Umno chief Jamal Md Yunos' publicity stunts and childish 'performance' were obviously prompted by Selangor Umno chief Noh Omar.
The latter is resorting to everything and anything possible under the sun hoping to topple the PKR-ruled government under the leadership of Selangor MB Azmin Ali.
This is Noh's most desired, but wishful and wasteful dream and ambition. All we can say is "dream on". Selangor, under Umno's rule, has had a long trail of failed history.
Whatshappening: "‘That's why he brought the coffin, to say that it suits the state government's scheme for the dead, Noh told a press conference in Bukit Jalil.”
Hello, are you now swearing at the dead or the rakyat? It doesn't sound professional the way you speak. Selangorians don't need Umno to create havoc in Selangor.
Anonymous 2436471476414726: Really, Noh? You use hearses and coffins just to emphasise your point?
Your stunt reflects your poor upbringing, and not forgetting the type of political party you represent. And we, the rakyat, have to pay your salary as a cabinet minister, when you should be working in a mortuary.
Telestai!: It is all ‘sandiwara’, isn't it. A good cop, bad cop routine, call it whatever you will.
Jamal's antics are orchestrated with the blessings of Umno's warlords with the intention to embarrass lawmakers in the opposition parties. How it helps Umno to win votes is a separate question altogether.
Old Timer: Ah, so the ‘sandiwara’ of Jamal resigning from Umno is finally over. Thank you for the short show. And now. there is nothing great about one clown praising another.
All this indicates if clowning acts and acts of violence as led by Malaysian Clown Champion Jamal is all Umno has to offer, it will never take over Selangor, except through cheating and gerrymandering, the only expertise that Umno possesses.
Anticonmen: This is what happens when you have low calibre, unethical elected representatives who are unable to discuss and thrash out simple issues in the state assembly and abide by them.
Assemblypersons should be of calibre, be educated, ethical, professional, and be able to understand and respect the democratic process under the constitution.
Anonymous_1395464675: This clearly shows what sort of brains both have, the same half-past-six, low-class mentality.
They are just encouraging others to do the same - just march to any minister's office and show your stupid act. No action would be taken, as one idiot has already proven.
Gerard Lourdesamy: Both Jamal and Noh have the IQ of a single cell creature. This is the best that Umno can do in Selangor after 70 years in politics? Pity the Malays/Muslims in the state.
I suggest the Pakatan Harapan Youth send coffins to Jamal's business premises and his illegal holiday resort and recite the jenazah prayers in his presence.
JusticeNow: Umno leaders seem to have lost their logic and common sense, how do they think stunts like these can to win them votes is beyond understanding.
The people have been greatly inconvenienced because of a shortage of hearse vans. Why don't they start to do some logical and meaningful, like helping the rakyat suffering under the burden of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and high petrol prizes?
They offer absolutely no solution to problems created by them.
Anonymous Hotplate: This is the state of our leaders in Malaysia. Not educated, no ethics, no calibre and no leadership qualities. One bloody fool supporting another bloody fool.
Malaysia has become a laughingstock with such idiotic leaders in the ruling government.
Mahsuri: The Malaysian public are obviously soft in the head, cannot tell right from wrong anymore, but what to do, we are easily confused.
How can Jamal's thuggery compare to the greater dangers to national security arising from terrorists like that young woman dropping yellow balloons with despicable words like "justice" and "integrity" that obviously have no place in place in Malaysia?
Or those seditious cartoonists selling cartoons and T-shirts that insult our supreme honourable leader (thanks be to Prime Minister Najib Razak, the all-seeing and all-knowing saviour of Islam)?
Or those treacherous university students fighting for accountability from the government - since when are governments expected to be accountable in Malaysia? Stupid children.
No other government in the world has wizened up to the evils of the colour yellow. Another first for Umno/BN. Aren't we all grateful to be Malaysians?
Those of you with new-born males should consider naming them Jamal, in honour of this local hero. Hooray!
Hornbill: These two Umno leaders behave like two spoilt kids. They have been out of power in the state of Selangor for quite some time now.
Their party is in the minority in the state legislature. They are very frustrated with the people of the state, who haven't been voting BN for two consecutive elections.
The people of the state are progressive and are not likely to return BN to power in GE14. These two leaders are stirring up the people to gain their attention. BN will be banished to the dustbin of history in Selangor.
Just a Malaysian: If this is how Umno acts as the opposition, imagine what would happen if they lose Putrajaya.

Rather than debate intelligently in Parliament, they would cook up all types of antics.
Really Malaise-sia, land of the supremacy of the stupid. Wake up, everybody.- Mkini

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