
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, February 24, 2017

Now you know why some minorities give up on Malaysia

YOURSAY | ‘It’s this poor excuse of a man who is disrespecting Islam by (mis)using it to stop Kit Siang.’
Anonymous#007: They are maliciously, rudely and falsely insulting a 'non-believer' in the name of Islam simply because they are afraid of what DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang, one of Malaysia's greatest leaders, has to reveal about the alleged corruption scandals.
My point exactly on the lies Umno and PAS have been peddling - that Islamic practices do not affect Malaysians of other faiths when they have been, and continue to be, zealously forced on them.
This is why it is our moral and constitutional duty to object to Act 355 and any attempt to widen the scope and powers of syariah laws and courts until another law be implemented that actively protects Malaysians of other faiths from being victimised.
It is this poor excuse of a man who is disrespecting Islam by (mis)using to stop Lim from revealing the truth.
Do not forget, it was DAP which had bravely revealed most of the alleged corruption scandals (in particular, the forex scandal in the 1990s) and repeatedly asked for proper investigations to recover the stolen/lost billions of taxpayers’ monies under Umno/BN.
Umno information chief Annuar Musa’s insinuation that Lim was anti-Islam can be considered a hate-crime in countries that strongly uphold freedom of religion.
But in Malaysia, this is acceptable practice under Umno/PAS. It includes lying to the rakyat to help them retain power and to ultimately allow syariah (and Umno/PAS) to override the constitution altogether.
We must object to Act 355. We certainly cannot give such misguided bigots such powers when this is their idea of justice and freedom of religion under Malaysia's secular constitution. It is simply not appropriate for multi-religious, multi-racial Malaysia.
Anonymous #21828131: Annuar, you mean to say engaging in corrupt acts is acceptable in Islam but people who expose corruption, embezzlement and money laundering are considered as being disrespectful to the religion?
Better get your brain examined. You have absolutely no shame at all.
Vijay47: Silly me, I was not aware that Umno’s Bank Negara forex losses roadshow is an extension of PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang's hudud circus.
When Umno is reduced to having a person of Annuar's intellect explain the requirements for participation in the forex show, it can only reveal, again, how devoid the party is of persons of some minimal intelligence and dignity.
Annuar, you seem to have overlooked the fact that it was Umno minister Azalina Othman who first challenged Lim to contribute to the forex probe. Which to Azalina's great shock, he immediately accepted.
Wow, so now an enquiry supposedly of national importance needs Islamic qualifications, which perhaps is understandable since those who have their hand in the till seem to include many Muslims.
By the way, Annuar, how did you conclude that Kit Siang is against the Constitution, Rukunegara, and Islam? Because in your eyes, he is not against the UN Charter?
If I told you once, I told you a million times - Annuar, stop smoking that stuff PM Najib Razak relishes.
Bluemountains: I am sure Annuar knows that the forex probe has nothing to do with Islam. But, just like other Umno politicians, he has to fall back on religion when he has no convincing answer to Lim’s offer to join the forex probe.
Ramesh Rajaratnam: See how the minister slipped in "syariah" in his interpretation along with our Rukunegara.
For the "blind" out there who often written to me and say "let them implement hudud, only the Muslims will be missing limbs and getting stoned, etc, we are okay", think again my friends what the senior minister said even before the bill is passed.
When did a non-Muslim have to respect syariah laws? I have repeatedly said that this is not a law enshrined in our secular constitution and we have no legal nor moral obligation to honour this (the "book" specifically exempts non-Muslims from syariah) law with punishments that are not current nor relevant.
I'm sure when Annuar meant "respect", he also inferred obey. Let's not let him off the hook easily with that statement.
Hardboiled: Dear Malays, please dump Umno. Leaders such as Annuar are taking you for a ride. They will continue to do so if you continue to vote for them as you have done for decades.
Have you not realised that you are losing your freedom bit by bit through propaganda and religious doctrine? Have you not seen that the scandals continue to increase in size and quantum over the decades? Do you not see the trend to oblivion?
The Analyser: I strongly suspect this one statement by Annuar will destroy Dr Mahathir Mohamad's chances of a 'second coming' ... forever.
He can’t dump DAP now, although I am sure he would love to. At the same time, it highlights the opposition's failure to move the political debate away from religion.
Annuar has demonstrated how a truly narrow agenda can so readily come undone. Firstly, Mahathir defused the Pakatan Harapan vendetta against 1MDB to have it selfishly replaced by his own agenda of 'Hate the Chinese'.
The opposition were too weak to stand up to him. Then all they had left to justify DAP's existence was religion, and on that basis, Pakatan were instantly divided, thanks largely to Penang CM Lim Guan Eng's anti-PAS agenda of political stupidity.
You have to acknowledge that if you want a complete stuff-up, hand the problem to Malaysians ... regardless of race.
Keturunan Malaysia: Annuar, could you please point out and/or tell us which part of what Lim Kit Siang uttered is disrespectful to Islam?

Not Convinced: By hurling such an accusation against Lim (and indirectly the minorities), it is clear why they have given up on Malaysia. Many have already left the country. Expect more to join them.
Those who can’t will have to prepare to face more of such insults.- Mkini

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