
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, February 20, 2017

Part 2 - Continuing On Understanding The Text And Context Of Hadith

Continuing . . . (READ Part 1 here)

On pg 18, under the topic of al-Sabab al-Mubayyan, there is a hadith which says,

"We were with the prophet when a youth came and said, "May I kiss (my wife) while I am fasting? He (Prophet) said "No". Then an old man came and said, "May I kiss (my wife) while I am fasting?' He said "Yes'. So we began looking at one another, so Allah's Messenger said, 'The old man is able to control himself''

I must thank Dr Maza because I did not know this hadith existed. 

Obviously this refers to the teaching that engaging in activities like kissing between husbands and wives will batal or break your fast in the fasting month.

So obviously there were two standards being observed here, one for an old man and one for a young man.  The young man was barred from kissing his wife but the old man was allowed. Because the old man can control himself.

However,  using the method of sabab - wurud my question would be what about the wife who is being kissed ?  

Lets say the old man has a 25 year old or 35 year old wife (maybe 2nd or 3rd wife) and the old man kisses the wife. 

The old man may control himself but what is the guarantee that the wife can control herself? If the wife cannot control herself, then her puasa will be batal. (There are further details about this type of "batal puasa" which my cikgu agama used to mention that I cannot repeat here.)

But how would sabab-wurud handle this type of situation? Is there a sabab wurud that can explain this? 

Then on pg 26 Dr Maza quotes another extra Quranic hadith which I did not know about. 

"The prophet said "O Aisha Had not your people been still close to the pre Islamic period of ignorance (infidelity) I would have dismantled the Kaaba and would have made two doors in it, one for entrance and the other for exit"

Dr Maza continues:  "Meaning that the Prophet was intent on dismantling the Kaabah however because of many new Muslims at that time, he was fearing they might misunderstand, so he abandoned his intention.."

This hadith may need further explanation for better clarity.  I would like to share another verse from the Quran :

Other translators say 'Allah does not advocate an abomination, indecency or that which is shameful (fahishatan). Meaning Allah will not even use something that is a bad example or shameful to teach something that is good.

On pg 51 Dr Maza writes : 'As asserted previously if a hadith cannot be understood under the light of its sabab wurud, because it had not been mentioned or made clear in any narration, here the role of ijtihad is introduced to solve the problem.'

This is where it would help the scholars greatly if there was a clear and complete list of hadith which can be understood and which cannot be understood under the sabab wurud.

And I believe this is were the differences will also arise. One scholar may say that one hadith is clear while another scholar may say that it is not. This is always possible and is also often the case.

One scholar may say he needs an ijtihad about the hadith because the hadith is not clear while another scholar may say no ijtihad is needed because the hadith is clear.

And it can go on.

Anyway, here are some verses from the Quran which I think that may be of interest.

Surah 39:23     -  "Allah has revealed the most beautiful Message (ahsana HADITH) in the form of a Book, consistent with itself, repeating, the skins of those who fear their Lord tremble thereat; then their skins and their hearts do soften to the celebration of Allah's praises. Such is the guidance of Allah: He guides therewith whom He pleases, but such as Allah leaves to stray, can have none to guide."

Surah 39:23 above says that the Quran (the Book) is the ahsana al hadith. Here it is translated by Yusuf Ali as 'the most beautiful Message'.  So the Quran is the best hadith.

Then the following verse Surah 45:6 says :

These are Allah's revelations (AYAT) that we recite to you truthfully. In which message (HADITH) other than Allah and His revelations (AYAT) do they believe?

So in Surah 39:23 above the Prophet taught us that the Quran itself is the best hadith (AHSANA AL HADITH).

In Surah 45:6 the Prophet taught us 'In which other message (HADITH) other than Allah and His AYAT do they believe.

You can check out for yourself these verses in the Quran. You can use YAQUB Browser to check out multiple translations and the arabic transliteration.

Maybe Dr Maza will explain these verses as well.    

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