
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Rosmah, forget your handbag, show us Permata’s accounts

YOURSAY | ‘We want to know how Permata spent those hundreds of millions allocated to it.’
Donplaypuks: Please make public Permata audited accounts for 2009-2016.
Also, please confirm via a statutory declaration that no founder's fee, commission, salary and benefits, director's and/or consultancy or management fees were paid to you or to any of your companies or businesses or to any company or business entity headed by any of your family members or nominees. Or any donations made to any foundation or non-profit organisation headed or involving you.
Will you dare do that? Permata received over RM700 million between 2009-2016 from overgenerous budgets under the Prime Minister’s Department of Najib Razak.
The rakyat are entitled to ask for transparency and accountability where public funds were handed out.
Ipoh Pp: “Do you think it is easy to obtain funds from the government. It is easy for the government to take our money, but when we ask (for funds), it is difficult," said PM’s wife Rosmah Mansor.
So, we hope now you would at least understand why we are fed up when the leaders misuse the private jet to gallivant around the world and go on holidays while squeezing us with GST (goods and services tax).
Victor Johan: Rosmah said, "Please. Whatever you read in social media is not true. This is my opportunity to explain my side of the story."
Rosmah, you surely know that you are not explaining anything. You are merely making a denial in an environment where nobody can ask you anything anyway.
If you really want to explain, then hold a dialogue session where you can be questioned and where you can answer only to explain. Do you dare to hold such a session?
Kangkung: When all the institutions are under the direct control of your husband, MO1, you can make a lot of claims.
Rosmah, South Korean president Park Geun-hye was impeached and the former Taiwan president Ma Ying-jeou faces new charges over the political leaks scandal: these are just some of the examples of what an independent judiciary and law enforcement can do.
So, don't hide behind MO1's ‘sarong’ and make audacious statements.
Clever Voter: Why single out Rosmah when half the population voted for the government?
Besides she is part of the rent-seeking culture that many have benefitted, both material wealth and status. There are easily thousands that have no hesitation to do selfies with her, and many waiting for crumbs and handouts.
Blogsmith: This is one statement which nobody can say it is a lie. Is that the reason for specifically mentioning putting money in the handbag rather than using money for personal use?
Anonymous 2436471476414726: How I wish Rosmah is just like other FLs (first ladies). Be humble and stay in the background. Then she would not be subjected to all these brickbats.
I remember reading in one of her official overseas visits accompanying Singapore's PM Lee Hsien Loong, Mrs Lee carried a handbag made by an OKU (disabled person) costing about S$15.
Indonesian President Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo, when travelling to Singapore to attend his son's convocation, took a commercial flight and flew economy class.
Compare these cases with Rosmah and the PM. We all know how they travel overseas, either on official or non-official duties. So Rosmah’s aide Rizal Mansor, what say you?
Basically: Some people still don’t get it. The issue is not Permata or its function. The issue is the PM's wife using a government-funded organisation for her own publicity. That is abuse of taxpayers’ funds.
Go and use your money to set up your own children’s programme and cut as many ribbons as you like. Using tax-funded Permata to show yourself off is a form of abuse, so Rizal should just shut up.
He is not even a government appointee, why should he answer elected representatives' queries? Let the Permata board answer.
Anonymous 2436471476414726: Rizal, we the rakyat want to see the audited accounts for Permata.
Permata's funds, and there are plenty of it, come from the rakyat. It is not Rosmah's money and certainly not yours.
We want to know what and how Permata spend those hundreds of millions allocated to it. Can we see these no later than three months from now?
P Dev Anand Pillai: As usual, these sidekicks are used to ward off the brickbats that come when the public starts to ask questions as to what is happening to their tax monies.
It will only change if the Malays wake up. But knowing the Malays, they never will even though they suffer the most from rising cost of living.
Anonymous 2251681440225523: Well said, P Dev Anand Pillai. As Mark Twain said, "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled."
The earlier the Malays realise this the better, not only for them but all Malaysians.

Prudent: It's the FLOM's (First Lady of Malaysia’s) tactics to divert attention and debate from the real issues - lack of accountability and transparency in the FLOM's use of hundreds of millions of public ringgit allocated for the benefit of children through Permata, her being effectively in charge of Permata as patron instead of a civil servant, and the fact that Permata is under her charge through the PM's Department instead of the Women's Ministry.- Mkini

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