
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, April 16, 2017

Butt out, Zaid tells PKR supporters of PAS

Former minister says a PKR “top gun” was campaigning with PAS in Kelantan.
Zaid-Ibrahim,-PKR,-PAS,-Pakatan-Harapan,-butt-out,PETALING JAYA: Former law minister Zaid Ibrahim has called on PKR leaders who are supportive of PAS to leave the Pakatan Harapan opposition coalition.
In a series of tweets today he called on the PAS admirers to “butt out” after a PKR “top gun” was recently seen campaigning with PAS in Kelantan.
“No wonder some people are pissed off with opposition,” Zaid, who joined DAP on Feb 7, said.
“Maybe PKR not with Pakatan Harapan now?” he said.
Saying that he was tweeting in his personal capacity and not for the DAP, he added: “But I would prefer the faction in PKR who are still in love with PAS to butt out of Pakatan Harapan.”
“Maybe someone in (Pakatan) Harapan can tell PKR Selangor they can go on with PAS / Umno in Selangor and see if they can win,” he said.
PAS left the country’s main opposition partnership when the Pakatan Rakyat was terminated in June 2015.

The coalition has since been replaced by the Pakatan Harapan which now comprises, DAP, PKR, Amanah and Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM).
PAS however retained its political relationship with PKR, especially in Selangor where its leaders are part of the state government.
Several PAS divisions across the country have passed motions over the past month to urge the party leadership to cut ties with PKR.
PAS vice-president Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah has said the party will decide on whether to maintain its political cooperation with PKR at its annual general assembly from April 28 to May 1 at Kota Sarang Semut in Kedah. -FMT

1 comment:

  1. Emang yah..masalah itu gak perna selesaii kalau gak berani mencoba,saya hampir bunuh diri gara-gara dililit hutang,saya sudah cari kemana-mana nomor togel gak perna tembus,dan secara kebetulan saya buka-buka internet,saya melihat postingan seseoran tentan MBAH SERO,katanya bisa memberikan angaka jitu ,jadi saya tlpn saya menceritakan semua kekurangan saya,dan beliau membutu saya 4d sgp tembus 100%,syukur alhamdulillah saya sudah bisa bayar hutang,rencana mau bangun rumah sendiri,karna cuma tinggal di kontrakan,anda terlilit hutang sudah lama belum terlunasi,jangan pusing lansung hubungi no: 082370357999 MBAH SERO..info lebih lengkap buka blog MBAH silahkan KLIK DISINI
    dan dengan penuh harapan yakin dan percaya insya allah apa yang anda ingingkan pasti tercapai..


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