
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, April 18, 2017


I have been very critical of Prime Minister Najib Razak on many issues, corruption and governance among them; more often than not, I have been brutally so. Frankly speaking, his record has been dismal since taking over from Tun Abdullah Badawi in 2009 (with thanks to the machinations of his political mentor, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad). Najib’s popularity is now at an all time low.
However, Najib’s decision to give Defence Minister Hishamuddin Tun Hussein Onn a special role in his administration is, in my view, a very strategic, politically astute and timely one. Every leader needs an aide he can trust, not someone who has ambitions of his own to be the 7th Prime Minister of Malaysia.
Hopefully, together and with the help of the charismatic  UMNO Youth leader Khairy Jamaluddin, Najib and Hishamuddin can forge a strong alliance to face Malaysian voters in GE-14 on a Malaysia-centric political and socio-economic agenda rather than a Malay nationalist-Islamist one, with a view to bringing Malaysians together again.
Najib, Hishamuddin and Khairy –a Formidable Combination for UMNO
Hishamuddin to Najib is what Tun Hussein was to Tun Abdul Razak with one fundamental difference. Tun Hussein was a reluctant politician who had the premiership thrust upon him. Our 3rd. Prime Minister was also a man of integrity, a lawyer of excellent aristocratic pedigree and a loyal son of Dato’ Onn Jaafar, who was UMNO’s founder President.

Hishamuddin,  on the other hand, is a thorough bred UMNO politician who rose through the ranks at a measured pace. One needs to look at his resume to note that he has held key Cabinet positions. He performed  well and served the Prime Minister and UMNO loyally. Finally, his hard work and dedication to his responsibilities have earned him the right to take on this new job. But it is difficult to say that the premiership is his for the taking.
The incumbent Deputy Prime Minister, Dr. Zahid Hamidi is a formidable rival with strong support among the UMNO grassroots and Malay nationalists of the extreme right. But at least Hishamuddin is an alternative who represents the moderate face of UMNO, which will be more acceptable to voters and UMNO’s Barisan Nasional partners (MCA, MIC and Gerakan) than the plebian Zahid. I did not mention PAS because I think this Hadi Awang-led Islamic party is headed towards political extinction after GE-14. –Din Merican

Hishammuddin’s steps to power

 by Scott Ng
The new Minister with Special functions occupies an unusual but maybe pivotal role.
Hishamuddin as Malaysia’s Defence Minister in Singapore
The appointment of Defence Minister Hishammuddin Hussein to the position of minister with special functions is one of the more curious political moves in recent memory. The buzz is that Prime Minister Najib Razak needs his first cousin as his right hand man. So one must wonder what must be running through the head of current DPM Zahid Hamidi, especially so close to a general election.
Zahid’s ambition has been noted by several quarters, with some critics believing that he veers too far to the right for the comfort of the public. Nonetheless, the DPM is a valuable asset to the Najib administration, but Hishammuddin’s sudden ascent has thrown the succession plan into disarray.
Hishammuddin certainly has a much better reputation with moderates than Zahid, and perhaps can be seen as something of a peace offering to those spooked by the new religious fundamentalist and ethno-nationalist approach of UMNO.
Unlike his cousin’s other lieutenants, Hishammuddin has kept a low public profile. While he is not looked to for an opinion like Khairy Jamaluddin is whenever a crisis erupts, he is seen as a quiet problem solver, brokering important defence deals in the Middle East and working with China on defence interests.
Overall, he is seen as better spoken and more temperate a candidate for leader than Zahid, but memories may be long when it comes to perceptions of a politician’s character. People still remember his belligerence as UNMO Youth Chief. He brandished a keris during his speech at the UMNO General Assembly of 2005. He might have to do a little work to shake off that memory if he is truly positioned to take over as Deputy Prime Minister.
Nonetheless, Hishammuddin’s presence may yet prove to be appealing to the more cosmopolitan of the right wing and an acceptable compromise for the moderates and the left. Such an appeal is something that BN probably feels it needs in facing GE14.
However, the appointment does not signal a complete shift to the middle ground. GE14 is shaping up to be defined as a Malay vs Malay fight. If one thing is certain, it is that all parties will fight over the hallowed motherland vote and the insults will fly thick.
Hishammuddin may yet walk out of this the biggest winner, but only if he is the contrarian of his party and maintains the professional image he has groomed for himself over the past decade or so.
There are some who theorise that Hishammuddin’s appointment signals the beginning of a transition, that our Prime Minister is preparing to step down. If that is true, then all eyes will be watching how he behaves during the coming election campaign period.
At this point, Malaysians simply want a win, and if that win comes in the form of an heir apparent with all his clothes on, it will be a positive start.
– https://dinmerican.wordpress.com


  1. Assalamu alaikum warohmatullahi wabarakatu.
    Saya ingin berbagi cerita siapa tau bermanfaat kepada anda bahwa saya ini seorang TKI dari johor bahru (malaysia) dan secara tidak sengaja saya buka internet dan saya melihat komentar bpk hilary joseph yg dari hongkong tentan MBAH WIRANG yg telah membantu dia menjadi sukses dan akhirnya saya juga mencoba menghubungi beliau dan alhamdulillah beliau mau membantu saya untuk memberikan nomer toto 6D dr hasil ritual beliau. dan alhamdulillah itu betul-betul terbukti tembus dan menang RM.457.000 Ringgit selama 3X putaran beliau membantu saya, saya tidak menyanka kalau saya sudah bisa sesukses ini dan ini semua berkat bantuan MBAH WIRANG,saya yang dulunya bukan siapa-siapa bahkan saya juga selalu dihina orang dan alhamdulillah kini sekaran saya sudah punya segalanya,itu semua atas bantuan beliau.Saya sangat berterimakasih banyak kepada MBAH WIRANG atas bantuan nomer togel Nya. Bagi anda yg butuh nomer togel mulai (3D/4D/5D/6D) jangan ragu atau maluh segera hubungi MBAH WIRANG di hendpone (+6282346667564) & (082346667564) insya allah beliau akan membantu anda seperti saya...

    1. saya ibu hajrah posisi sekarang di malaysia
      bekerja sebagai pembantu gaji tidak seberapa
      setiap gajian selalu mengirimkan orang tua
      sebenarnya pengen pulang tapi gak punya uang
      apalagi hutang masih banyak sama majikan
      sempat saya putus asah dan secara kebetulan
      saya buka internet ada seseorng berkomentar
      tentang Mbah Sero katanya perna di bantu
      melalui jalan togel saya coba2 menghubungi
      karna di malaysia ada pemasangan
      jadi saya memberanikan diri karna sudah bingun
      saya minta angka sama Mbah Sero
      karna di malaysia ada pemasangan
      angka yang di berikan 6d toto tembus 100%
      syukur alhamdulillah saya menang 800 juta
      itu dalam bentuk uang indonesia
      terima kasih banyak Mbah
      kemarin saya bingun syukur sekarang sudah senang
      dan rencana mau pulang ke indo untuk buka usaha
      bagi penggemar togel ingin merasakan kemenangan
      terutama yang punya masalah hutang lama belum lunas
      jangan putus asah hubungi Mbah Sero
      di no hp: 082~370~357~999
      tak ada salahnya anda coba
      karna angka ritual Mbah tidak perna meleset
      saya jamin Mbah Sero tidak akan mengecewakan..


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