
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

How could PM allegedly use SRC money which he was not aware of?

YOURSAY | ‘You can say you are not aware of RM42 in your account, but not RM420,000, or 4.2m or 42m.’
Anonymous 2436471476414726: Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Paul Low, you might as well not make any statement.
What the rakyat want to know is whether or not any party will be charged in court. If so, when?
As for SRC International managing director Nik Faisal Ariff Kamil, is the minister saying that the authorities still cannot trace him? This is hard to believe. Surely immigration has records of his whereabouts.
The answers given so far are but vague and evasive, implying there is a concerted effort to protect a certain powerful person.
Jaycee: There is no point talking to this minister. He already demonstrated that he lacks integrity when he left his position at Transparency International Malaysia (TIM) to work for the government.
Spirit of Malaya: Paul Low, if there's a little bit of integrity left in you, please save it and resign.
Ferdtan: PAS secretary-general Takiyuddin Hassan said the issue is former PAS deputy president Nasharudin Mat Isa’s personal matter and had nothing to do with the party.
So, let us see how close Nasharudin was/(is?) with the top PAS leadership, particularly party president Abdul Hadi Awang:
He was a well-known champion of Umno-PAS unity government. Immediately after 2008 GE when Pakatan captured Selangor, former Selangor deputy chief PAS leader and Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad alleged that Hadi’s faction had meetings with Umno to discuss forming a joint Umno-PAS government in Selangor.
No-Brainer: MO1 (Malaysian Official 1) had claimed that he had no knowledge that RM42,000,000 of SRC's money was banked into his personal account. If that was the case, how could he issue cheques from this account?
Aktan: Let's see what’s going to happen - Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli to be locked up for issuing the SD (statutory declaration) or the AG (attorney-general) scratching his head to declare another NFA (no further action) case?
Kim Quek: Nasharudin’s statement of denial does not sound convincing to me.
Being well-versed in law himself (having lectured law in several universities), he should have decided to sue Rafizi outright without any hesitation instead of saying, “I have sought and submitted for legal counsel as the next course of action, in terms of initiating legal action”, which gives him the leeway to dilly-dally on the legal action - the same way PAS has been making endless wishy-washy statements without actually suing Sarawak Report over allegation of PAS having pocketed a large sum of money from Najib.
Unless, of course, Rafizi has spoken the truth, in which case, it would be foolhardy for Nasharudin to plunge headlong into a court battle with Rafizi.
Nasharudin, go straight for the kill, sue Rafizi now, if you want us to believe you.
Clever Voter: Quite naturally, Nasharudin has denied the allegations. I would not be surprised if no actions are taken because of the severe implications. However, silence is no use since it suggests guilt.
Hopefully, the truth will prevail ultimately, allowing justice to take its course. One can only hope.
Spinnot: I've heard this one before on Aug 13, 2016 - "PAS said it will file legal proceedings against Sarawak Report within a month over an article that claimed its leaders received RM90 million in political contributions in return for turning its back on former opposition allies. Party president Abdul Hadi Awang said that the party will file the lawsuit in the United Kingdom."
Worldly Wise: Nasharuddin did not say he did not receive money from MO1.
In England, party members pay even for their own coffee at party delegates conferences. Leaders do not pay for it. There is such an emphasis on transparency. Why can’t we have the same transparency here?
Voice: MO1, you can say you are not aware of RM42 was banked in into your account, but not RM420,000, or 4.2 million or 42 million. Are we so easily to be fooled?
CQ Muar: This is by far the greatest attempt by a loner to sue all the 16, including Najib, for allegedly abusing and swindling 1MDB.
Though this appears to be an uphill task considering the multi-billions in the hands of Najib, we hope the court will rule in favour of Parti Bebas Rasuah (PBR) president Mohd Ezam Md Noor.
Many will view this as a futile attempt, but Ezam must be congratulated for his effort, courage and tenacity.
Anonymous_1421806811: PAS, which claims to be Islamic, closes its eyes to Najib's scandals and ignored the rakyat's quest for truth. This is very shameful for PAS indeed.
I’m not sure how the outcome will be but putting pressure on Najib should not stop.
KnockKnock: I do not know at all about the law but then last night I had a dream that people of Malaysia by the thousands from villages, districts and states made a complaint simultaneously against 1MDB.

The question is, would the attorney-general, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and the police act upon it, though I know very well the answer.- Mkini

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