
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, April 21, 2017

Indians still stateless after 50 years of MIC-BN

YOURSAY | 'As they say, Indian lives don't matter, only their votes do.'
Aries46: Zakir Naik, who is wanted for alleged crimes in his motherland, accused of spreading extremism through his speeches there and elsewhere, and a persona non grata in many countries, is embraced, given permanent residence and a free rein here to do as he pleases by Umno at the expense of stateless Indian Malaysians languishing without recourse for decades in our own country.
And all that MIC can muster is a token piece of rhetoric by underling C Sivarraajh, which everyone knows will barely have the effect of a scoff from its masters.
MIC president S Subramaniam, are you listening? Umno has consigned your promised amendment to the non-Muslim's Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act (LRA) 1976 to stop unilateral conversions to the back burner, and your silence is deafening.
I suppose you are busy resurrecting Umno’s ‘blueprint for the Indians’ for the 14th general election (GE14), the one that Hindraf's P Waythamoorthy resurrected for GE13.
Fifty years of promises, MOUs (memorandum of understanding) and blueprints aside, the plight of the Indians seem to be the least of MIC’s concerns.
Anonymous #37634848: Why are Indians "stateless" and how many are there? What has MIC done to resolve this problem?
MIC Youth chief Sivarraajh, why not talk to Prime Minister Najib Razak instead of the press?
Anonymous 278451459939581: Someone in MIC actually spoke in support of the stateless Indians. I am in shock.
Despite being part of the government, they have done nothing meaningful about the stateless Indians. Don't they realise that getting them Malaysian citizenship would actually mean extra votes for them?
By the way, are there any stateless Malays or Chinese?
P Dev Anand Pillai: Please MIC, there is nothing you can do about this in the coalition that you are in. You yourselves have admitted that you have to beg to get allocations and to get things done, so do you think the Umno-led government bothers about your opinion?
Malaysia is cosying up to Indian preacher Zakir Naik only shows one thing - it wants to tame and subdue its non-Muslim population and in the process, if they are convincing enough, to convert them - which they are now doing to many Indians.
If you would like to be heard, then a mass protest needs to be organised to show the displeasure of the non-Muslims over this preacher being here.
Will MIC do that? The answer is very obvious.
Simple Malaysian: Are you telling us that MIC had previously no clue that Zakir Naik was given PR in Malaysia? What is the use of having MIC in the government when they did not even know this?
Kawak: This National Transformation 2050 (TN50) dialogue is just to bring out a feel-good factor among Indian youths to fish their support and votes.
What happened to 1Malaysia and other programmes and slogans? What happened to the blueprint promised to Waythamoorthy and the Indian community in 2013?
This time around MIC, other mosquito Indian political parties and pro-BN NGOs are going to con the Indian community again.
P Dev Anand Pillai: Yes, this is just another load of crap which Indian politicians will sell to their faithful for their votes.
As has always been said before, Indian lives don't matter, only their votes do. If the government is serious, then make the stateless Indian Malaysians the first batch of Bangsa Malaysia. Do you have the political will to do that?
Indians are being converted to the religion of the federation by the droves for all sorts of reasons, mainly for economic ones, so where does this leave the community? So they will only be attended to if they convert to the religion of the federation?
With Zakir Naik, now a PR-holder overnight, it will be easier. He will do the job for the power wielders in Putrajaya.
Sanjayd.v: I want to believe Youth and Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin wants to do the right thing for all Malaysians, but the reality on the ground does not reflect these intentions of a Bangsa Malaysia.
The day politicians stop using race and religion for their survival will be the day our society starts moving towards a Bangsa Malaysia.
Demi Rakyat: GE14 is coming and all Umno leaders have obviously been instructed to be like angels of moderation. Anyone would be fools to believe and trust Umno.
KnockKnock: As it is now, we are all sinking in quicksand, struggling to survive each day. Business is down, the ringgit is shrinking, petrol price is up each week, and we have to pay Goods and Services Tax (GST) even for a packet of salt.
Yet you have the cheek to talk about TN50?
Anonymous 539281478077880: These leaders who had introduced TN50 would have left the world by then.
Nobody would be alive to see their achievements, except for the children born today and thereafter.
But nothing would materialise in the end. Look at Vision 2020 introduced by former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad. What has happened now?
Trxfgh1457778: When I was young, I heard the same story. Now my son has grown up, and it's still the same story.

Twenty years from now, I believe my son's son will hear the same story too. Wake up, you all.- Mkini

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