
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, April 24, 2017

PKR must distance itself from Adam Rosly, says Rafizi

PKR vice-president Rafizi Ramli today proposed that Adam Rosly, the Ampang PKR Youth chief who faces graft charges after allegedly lying about his wealth, be relieved of his party positions.
He said that this would help the party distance itself from Adam's "personal" problems.
Rafizi, who had previously urged the Adam to declare his wealth when it first came to light, said this view was shared by others in the party.
"Several party leaders and I will propose that something is done to distance PKR and Pakatan Harapan from Adam's private issues, that is either through a PKR leadership decision to relieve Adam of his party post pending the trial, or through a disciplinary committee action as proposed by PKR deputy president Azmin Ali," he said.
"The decision to distance PKR with Adam's private problems must be taken soon, especially because the 14th general election can be called at any time now."
However, he said, this proposal could set a precedence, whereby all party leaders who are facing trial would have have to go on leave.
Rafizi himself is currently on trial following his exposé on the National Feedlot Corporation scandal and the Armed Forces Retirement Fund (LTAT).
Doesn't apply to public interest cases
As such, he urged society to understand the difference between Adam's trial and public interest cases such as application of the Official Secrets Act 1972 against him in the LTAT case, or what he described as a "devious conspiracy against opponents" in the case of PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim, who was convicted for sodomy.
"I am confident the rakyat can differentiate between the cases involving PKR leaders and office bearers. Even so, PKR must be seen to be act sternly and to hold true to moral and integrity standards far higher than other parties," Rafizi said.
Adam was charged with providing false information to investigating officers on how he amassed enough wealth to buy a luxury property in Ampang.

Investigators said he falsely claimed that he obtained a loan of about half a million ringgit from a loan shark, and took loans from his mother-in-law and a now deceased grandmother to buy the property because he could not obtain a bank loan given that builders did not comply with regulations.
Adam's wealth was first reported to the authorities by Sungai Besar Umno chief Jamal Md Yunos, who took media personnel on a helicopter ride for an aerial view of the castle-like mansion.
Before he was charged, some party leaders said disagreed with Rafizi's call that Adam declare his wealth because he does not hold any government positions.- Mkini

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