
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, April 23, 2017

Politicians beware, smartphones are everywhere

YOURSAY | ‘BN is worried of young and intelligent Malays and they are trying to ‘kill’ Zairil and Dyana politically.’
Clever Voter: It is common practice for any promising individual to have his or her private space invaded. If these are merely acts of mischief, they will blow over and everyone will then get on with their lives.
But in politics, it is a must to walk the talk. Unless you are an Umno man with strong connections, one has to keep an eye on any possible slip-up. Public expectation of the opposition is higher and less forgiving too.
It’s best to stay away from distraction and be focused. DAP's Zairil Khir Johari and Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud will better learn to avoid and manage such invasion of their privacy if they want to go far.
There is no shortage of talent as far as opposition is concerned.
Anonymous 2460391489930458: I don't condone infidelity but if the allegations are true, they should confront the issue, find closure and move on.
People are known to make choices they find appropriate or which they regret. It's personal and it's up to the parties involved and their loved ones. Other people should just mind their own business. Nobody's perfect.
If they find they can still serve the people well despite the exposed affair, by all means go ahead and stand for elections and overcome the challenges.
Demi Rakyat: Will I support them if they are candidates? Definitely! Anything is better than PM Najib Razak who took billions of ringgit claimed to be from an Arab donor, but which the Americans allege had come from the rakyat.
Anything is better than Najib. He is the most useless and worst PM our country has ever had. Anything is better than all those Umno leaders playing up religious and racial issues. Get rid of Najib/Umno for the sake of the future of Malaysia and all Malaysians.
Falcon: "As politicians, role models and public figures, we are called to set high standards and benchmarks. And if we fail or cannot, we must do the next honourable thing - stand down!"
A great man and late politician from DAP whom I love and respect, who is no more with us, told me this once in Penang decades ago in my growing up years. If these allegations are true - please do the right thing.
Simple Malaysian: If they were Umno members, it is only natural that there is a big reaction from the public because it is Umno that propagates the "holier than thou" cry.
DAP supporters are made up of rationale people. One's private affairs do not change one’s ability to be a leader. Most of DAP supporters do not see this an issue.
Unfortunately, due to the "holier than thou" people in Umno, this becomes an issue. There are many Umno members who have been caught in the past being involved in adulterous affairs and yet remain leaders. How is this so?
Fair&Just: Go get married. After that, Zairil can marry two more. Two people working together having the same political ideologies, goals and aims in life, how not to have sparks?
Worldly Wise: With smartphones owned by many, there is no more privacy anywhere. Why is that women are always blamed when the man, such as in this case, is alleged to be unfaithful?
Male chauvinism seems to be prevalent. Both persons are honourable people in public life because they are in DAP, which is a political party fighting for justice, unlike some other political parties in which people usually join and become members to get some perks.
Albert Wong: Two young person sharing common aspiration and interest, having feelings for each other, is very normal. This is part of God's creation.
So what if Zairil is married - he is a Muslim and is entitled to have four wives and that does not come with trouble. Dyana is single and an adult, she can choose her own life. Busybodies should get out of their lives.
If they are in love, just get married as provided by Islamic law. On the other hand, they want to be a servant to the rakyat and so far, they are showing to be the type of young leaders the rakyat wants.
The BN is dead worried of young and intelligent Malays and that's why they are trying to "kill" them politically. DAP, please stick with Dyana and Zairil. The rakyat will vote for them.
Anonymous_3f4b: These DAP leaders are the biggest hypocrites. Three photographs are clear proof that there is an illicit relationship between Zairil and Dyana. It’s a scandal and smacks of adultery considering that Zairil is married.
Dyana is behaving her part as the liberal Malay woman in DAP. Both being Muslims are guilty of ‘khalwat’ (close proximity).
If it happens between two BN lawmakers, the DAP will go to town with it, crying for their resignation and calling for charges to be made. When it happens to their own people, they keep mum and pretend like nothing has happened.
DAP will brush it aside as a personal matter and a non-issue. That is why they are the biggest hypocrites and not practising what they preach to their supporters.
Mafeeah: I think these two should realise that being Malay and Muslim in DAP, they will continue to be targeted.
So why not just stop all these public shows and concentrate on your work to serve the rakyat, which I hear both are doing a good job.
Don't let this sort of little things spoil your name and reputation.
Ian2003: Let have some sense. What does the private life of any person who brings no harm to society, nor to any other individual, have to do with us?
Gggg: As elected and potential-to-be elected leader, I don't care about your private life as long you don't take my Employee Provident Fund (EPF) or tax money for your private matter. You have my votes, young birds.
Existential Turd: Private matters should remain private. A party has no business interfering into its members' private lives unless it affects their duties as a party member.

Gaji Buta: “What the world needs now is love, sweet love, It's the only thing that there's just too little of, What the world needs now is love, sweet love, No, not just for some but for everyone...” - Diana Ross.-Mkini

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