
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, April 16, 2017

Suing Tony Pua will put a huge spotlight on MO1

YOURSAY | ‘Najib’s threat to sue Pua puzzles me. What is there for Pua to ‘apologise and retract’?
Anonymous#007: Is this the same lawyer that PM Najib Razak had instructed to sue the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) for defamation?
The WSJ had published several articles that had directly accused Najib of “unlawfully transferring monies” from a state institution that he (Najib) controls to his personal bank accounts.
Online news portal Sarawak Report also accused Najib of similar alleged criminal offences. So too were PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad and former senior minister Ling Liong Sik. The audit trail and documentation (which The Edge had handed over to police for 'investigation') also allegedly point to the same.
If you compare all these, should Najib not target the international (biggest) fish, which is WSJ? Why hasn't he initiated the suit against WSJ?
Stop picking on and bullying small-time opposition leaders who are merely doing their job as elected rakyat's representatives
Learned professional judges in a fair and equitable court would find it hard to charge Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua for defamation.
Jbsuara: It is not only Pua who is keeping the spotlight on the massive 1MDB saga and the alleged wrongdoing of the PM, purportedly the MO1 (Malaysian Official 1) mentioned in US’ Department of Justice.
This has been the central issue in Malaysian politics and one of the darkest spots in the country’s recent history.
Hence, all forthright citizens of Malaysia are keen to keep this scandalous saga in the limelight until the truth prevails and all wrongdoers are brought to justice.
Kim Quek: Najib’s threat to sue Pua puzzles me. What is there for Pua to “apologise and retract” when Pua has already laid out in meticulous details how Najib took US$731 million allegedly from 1MDB in his suit against Najib dated Jan 16, 2017?
Should this case go to court, all Pua needs to do is to re-present the evidence that he has gathered in his said suit, which not only details the flow of 1MDB money into Najib’s bank account, but also exposes the reckless role he had played to make this 1MDB debacle into the biggest and the most famous financial scandal in the world.
CQ Muar: Pua, you did the right thing: stand by your words and let's see if they will continue with the legal proceedings.
The whole nation, as a matter of fact, the whole world awaits to see if Najib will have the galls to appear in court.
Najib’s lawyer Mohd Hafarizam Harun has failed to realise that what he had spelled out in his demand letter had in fact been the subject of the scandals surrounding his client, Najib, all this time.
Hafarizam claimed his client (Najib) is of "high political standing, immense goodwill both local and international and unblemished record of performance".
Well, if that had been the case about Najib, he wouldn't have engaged you to defend him.
RM2.6 Billion Turkey Haram: Hop into a taxi in Singapore, Indonesia or Thailand, the first topic of the drivers is MO1, who, they claim, is really greedy and cunning.
The worst part is that they considered us, Malaysians, as stupid to have such a leader.
David Dass: I agree that we should not be afraid to express our views on any matter that affects our rights or the future of this country.
I agree that it is our right to do so. I agree that it is our responsibility to do so. The duty is greater on those who have had the privilege of being educated and understand the issues being discussed and the actions being undertaken or contemplated.
All should speak up against injustice. All should fight for the poor and oppressed, whatever their race or religion. All should think Malaysian.
Anonymous 2411361459930771: Former minister Zaid Ibrahim, what you said is true. Bushels of thanks for a reminder that is both timely and urgently missing in our lives.
Only God decides who goes to heaven or hell - not the religious ghosts that hang around our national corridors.
Pemerhati: There is one big problem in implementing the suggestions made by Zaid. It is the Wahhabi religion practiced by the Malays.
The former Saudi imam of the Grand Mosque, Islam’s holiest site, in a CNN interview said, “We have the same beliefs as IS (Islamic State), we share their ideology but we express it in a more refined way.”
That ideology known as Wahhabism is a puritanical and intolerant interpretation of Islam. It has been spread all over the world (especially Pakistan) by Saudi oil money.
In Malaysia, the Malays are continuously indoctrinated with this dangerous ideology in schools, in mosques and through the monopolised media.
Thus, the extremist and barbaric utterances of the Pahang mufti and the silence of the Sunni Muslim political leaders should not come as a surprise.
The question is what steps Malaysia will take to ensure that IS type of killings of people will not take place.
Has the unexplained disappearance of some Christian religious leaders anything to do with Wahhabi religious fanatics?
Tikusmati: What happened to all the learned people in high positions, the captains of industry, the state sovereigns who are enjoying the perks, but choose not to voice out the wrongs and injustice inflicted on the nation and people by the present ineffective and totally abusive leadership.

Anonymous 2350931441161169: Yes, there are too many politicians, so-called "leaders", "defenders of the race", "defenders of the religion", who dare not speak out against the grandest theft, embezzlement scheme but want to project themselves as heroes.
Appum: Hear, hear! A speech that our PM should make. But alas....- Mkini

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