
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, April 15, 2017


There is hardly any issue for Dato Najib to appoint Dato Hishamuddin as Minister with Special Functions in the Prime Minister’s Department.
Firstly, it is his prerogative and it is an administrative matter. More so it is a BN government internal matter.
So it is none of the goddamn business of opposition bloggers like Dato Abdul Kadir Jasin or Shabuddin Hussin, and opposition leader like Lim Kit Siang to make instigation comment.
They forgot they are in opposition and should be sorting out their own own internal problems!
Secondly, it is not the first time that such a position was made. As Rocky pointed out here, none of those appointed to the position rose to become Prime Minister.
Politics could be part of the concern.
In one conversation we had with a BN supporter, he was willing to leave BN. The appointment is seen as setting up to appoint a successor. The reasons are argued emotionally than rationally.
Political pundits are speculating Dato Ahmad Zahid Hamidi will be walked over.
Thirdly, look at the position as Special Errand Minister and not Special Child to given special treatment and be given much love. One blogger believed it relates to Sabah. There is also speculation it relates to China and Middle East.
One reason gauged from the few negative views against Hisham is the special political assistance. In the last party election, Hisham was believed to be given various advantages, including Sultans were campaigning for him.
These days there is opposition in UMNO against retaining the bangsawan (aristocratic) character in the midst of call for Rakyat didahulukan, thus selecting successor can be seen as undemocratic.
Fourth, the appointment has the support of current DPM, Dato Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. That should be the end of it despite Zahid’s supporters and men maybe surprised. It should be seen as work-related and not politics.
No one could help the tempayan from talking. More so the political mulut tempayan.
There have been rumours both camp were at each other and baling batu sorok tangan. Speculation is rife that Hisham is going for Deputy President and it means challenging the Acting Deputy President.
Unless, the man himself announce, there is a general election on hand to prepare for. Ironically, thought the opposition to this appointment was against putting in place a successor.
Fifth, if the appointment is merely to affirm #3 in seniority after Zahid, is that wrong?
Thought it is not a bad idea. For his strength and also weakness, Hisham is considered the most senior among the Vice Presidents and has more cabinet experience than Zahid. This is an indisputable fact.
Having him as “second deputy” after Zahid, it is not a bad idea. The party and government should not be put in a difficult position like when Anwar Ibrahim was sacked by Mahathir and end up with the most unfavourable option.
Off course, be it Zahid and Hisham, they have to get party endorsement. The democratic process must not be tampered and Dato Tengku Adnan Mansor should lay off.
Sixth, it is waste to lose Hisham. He has the experience to contribute.
So the view is that it could be an endorsement of Najib for Hisham. Joceline here looks at it from Najib perspective to fortify his position.
It is a wee bit too far to assume Najib is making Hisham as successor. There is speculation that Najib is ready to quit and the presumption is to get Hisham ready. But, should it not be to get Zahid ready.
One long shot hypothesis believed Najib and Zahid will resign and past the mantle to Hishamuddin and Khairy Jamaluddin to pass the party to the next generation of leaders. As said, it is a long shot and the bloke may have smoke something. Khairy still has to earn his mark as a VP.
Seventh, if the move will destabilise UMNO and BN, one theory speculated that Najib could always announce Foreign Minister, Dato Anifah Aman as DPM II.
It is not the first time this idea is mooted. Possibly, there is agreement.
Anifah is respected by the public and politicians – BN and opposition. It will be a welcome move to Sabahans and Sarawakians as it is an acknowledgement of Sabah and Sarawak.
If he was to run for VP, his block of Sabah and another one or two state could win him a place. So it is a solution.
Off course, there will be those not keen with the idea of giving Sabah more power in UMNO. There will someone out there stretching a theory that appointing Anifah will place him as another successor for the Prime Ministership. Other aspirant will see it tough to get the remaining one spot thus will attack this idea.
Anifah will have to agree first. He would rather spend more time in Sabah, meet his constituents, and ride his noisy Harley Davidson.
Frankly, looking at it from a political point of view is an endless discussion and has no ending. No one will be fully satisfied. Take it as another responsibility for Hisham. He had two Ministries under him before.
Suggest Hisham to be more serious and diligent in his work. Insya Allah, he will be accepted and no one should be leaving BN on a wrong preconceive notion.
– http://anotherbrickinwall.blogspot.my

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