
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Umno's Zakirmania shows utter contempt for its BN partners

YOURSAY | 'Will MIC raise the issue of Zakir Naik's permanent residency?'
6th Generation Immigrant: Ipoh Barat MP M Kula Segaran asked, "Does the government have political will to revoke Indian Muslim preacher Zakir Naik’s permanent residence (PR)?"
The answer is a definite yes.
But it must be a totally new government, perhaps with the support of parties like MCA, MIC, Gerakan and PPP, which may have finally opened their eyes from this Zakir Naik episode.
Every one of these parties' platforms regarding obtaining citizenship for their constituents has been trampled upon by Umno.
Appum: Zakir's PR status and the ceremonious embrace by Perkasa of this man, as if they worship the ground he walks on, goes to show Umno-BN's contempt for its coalition partners.
It also shows Umno-BN's supremacist behaviour towards the other races, and that its call of 1Malaysia or Bangsa Malaysia are all empty but political capital to capture the attention of the naive.
There are many Indian and Chinese stateless people - born here, worked here, and who have contributed to the economy of this country, but yet they are not recognised or given proper status.
Meanwhile Zakir Naik, a wanted man, is given PR status just because he preaches Islam. And not that what he preaches is towards universal peace and harmony, he preaches hate, anger and fuels division.
Yet this kind of character is welcome here and protected by the government of Malaysia.
Awang Top: Not only should MIC raise the issue, MCA, PPP, SUPP, Gerakan and all should raise it as well.
It is not about race or religion. It is about a fair deal for other legitimate Malaysians who have been fighting for years to get recognition for their status here.
Non-Umno parties in BN should join hands to fight for it.
Anonymous 539281478077880: Kula Segaran, the three questions put forward to MIC president S Subramaniam would go unanswered.
He definitely has no guts to question "anyone" during the cabinet meeting. Likewise, his counterparts from other coalition parties would keep mum, except perhaps for those in Sarawak.
If every Tom, Dick and Harry were to be given PR status without consideration, then there would be a lot questions on the part of the government to be answered.
Zakir Naik's PR status was "unveiled" by Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. It was given five years ago.
We were in the dark till now. Those involved in this "deliberate mistake" must be reprimanded and must work to have his PR status revoked.
Feddup: Will MIC raise the issue of Zakir Naik's PR status? It all depends on whether BN president Najib Razak tells them to or not.
Someonroutthere: I thought Health Minister S Subramaniam is part of the government? PAS information chief Nasrudin Hassan is speaking as though he's the government and advisor to the government.
PAS nowadays act if they are already part of the government. One wonders what they will be like should they actually form the government.
Anonymous 2436471476414726: Indeed, this PAS leader is very arrogant. Subramaniam is a minister, he has every right to question any government decision, even those outside his jurisdiction.
Nasrudin, you are not even in the government and yet you speak like you are.
Pious men are supposed to be humble and respectful, but you exhibit none of those traits. You have brought shame to Islam.
As for Zakir Naik, he may be an Islamic expert but being a foreigner, he may not understand the religious sensitivities in Malaysia.
The other races in Malaysia would find it hard to understand the government granting him PR so quickly, while other more deserving cases are still not considered.
Besides, it is a well-known fact that the Indian government has issued a warrant of arrest for him to answer a number of charges.
Gerard Lourdesamy: Is PAS in the government now? Zakir Naik is the best that Muslims can do, is it?
He is a fraud and allegedly a terrorist - he is only a jaguh kampong who prides in debating with the ignorant and uninformed.
Go to Oxford University and have a debate there with the professors of comparative religions, provided Zakir Naik can get into the UK.
PAS should be reminded that the world is not just about Islam and Muslims. It is statements like this that give people a negative image of Islam.
FairMind: Once you have ultras like Ibrahim Ali of Perkasa and Nasrudin of PAS coming out to support a person like Zakir Naik, it is a clear indication that something is not right about that person in a plural society like Malaysia.
Aries46: As speculated here and elsewhere, based on the stand taken by Umno and PAS, they may use Zakir Naik and his expertise in supremacist and divisive ideology to influence Muslim support in GE14.
If that happens they stand to lose not only non-Muslim votes that Umno lost through its own follies, but that of the educated urban Malays who will not be fooled by politically motivated religious exploitation and the crucial East Malaysian voters that abhor any form of religious fanaticism and racism, especially those geared to disunite the people for political gains. The ball is in PAS/Umno court.
BernieBaby: The fruits of Zakir Naik's labour will be realised soon enough. It's just a matter of time before racial and religious attacks are launched within Malaysia. It also won't be long before Malaysians are barred entry into the US and possibly other Western countries.
My advice to Malaysians is to disengage from Zakir Naik, we have said enough and anything more will fuel the fire. He is already here with us. The challenge for Malaysia is, which direction do we wish to head?
Rupert16: Zakir Naik is not an Islamic issue but an issue for all Malaysians. We should not allow a merchant of hate and an alleged money launderer to stay in our country.

SusahKes: Well, who needs MCA and MIC to defend Umno? PAS is doing a good job taking care of that.- Mkini

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Zakir Naik is a very good Islamic schoolar. You nonmuslim do not know your relligious book. You are foolish. I do not understand what is your problem when Zakir Naik calls hindus to follow vede.


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