
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Worthless Religion By Waseem Altaf

Hi folks. Been travelling for a couple of days.  Balik ke Tanjong.  Here is something that is going around :

The Net Worth Of Religion :

Pestonji is a Parsi and the wailing wall in Jerusalem is just a wall for him.

However,  he greatly reveres fire in view of his faith in Zoroastrianism.

J Prakash is a Hindu and fire is just fire for him.

However he has tremendous respect for the cow in view of his beliefs.

Rashid Khan is a Muslim and for him a cow is a cow.

But being a Muslim he deeply respects the Zam Zam water.

Bana Singh is a Sikh and Zam Zam water is just water for him.

However he greatly revers the kirpan (sword)  in line with his faith.

Melvin is a Christian and a sword is just a sword for him.

However, he deeply respects the cross in view of his beliefs.

Noah is a Jew and a cross is just a cross for him.

However,  he has great respect for the wailing wall in accordance with his faith.

Hence, it is your faith which makes fire,  cow, water, sword and wall sacred for you.

And if you lose faith, religion and religious symbols become worthless for you!

That is the Net worth of religion!

However,  scientific propositions are never sacred and are constantly under scrutiny.

You have faith in them or you do not have,  these are objective realities and cannot be denied if data is there to support them.

That is the Net worth of science!

~ Waseem Altaf

My comments : A brilliant young doctor added that if all the religious books in the world were vaporised instantly, the human race would be totally rid of religion.  

They will never be able to reformulate back their religious books. Why?  Because religious books are based on illogical, superstitious "faith" that does not require thinking.

On the other hand the brilliant doctor said if you vaporised all the scientific texts instantly, the human race will still be able to reformulate those science books over a period of time, possibly in double quick time.

Why? Because science is based on thinking and logic.  Science is based on the truth.

Anyway here is a bear with some thoughts about  food :


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