
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, June 17, 2017

Hello, DOJ’s motive is to catch kleptocrats

YOURSAY | 'PM’s aide ought to go on bended knees and thank DOJ for its efforts to recover billions for M’sians.'
Newday: Facts, facts, facts, PM Najib Razak’s press secretary Tengku Sharifuddin Tengku Ahmad; that is all that is being presented by the US Department of Justice (DOJ). It followed the money trail in great detail, right down to the pink diamonds.
There has been no attempt to go beyond the facts, and there is no hidden agenda by the DOJ - just facts.
RCZ: The motive of the DOJ is to stop crime and stop kleptocrats from stealing from their people.
This man ought to go on bended knee and thank the DOJ for its efforts to recover billions for Malaysians. Unless of course, he is not Malaysian.
Feddup: "(DOJ has) motivation that goes beyond the objective of seizing assets," claimed Sariffudin. Yes, for once you speak the truth. The DOJ's motive is to catch a mega-criminal.           
Drngsc: Dear Sharifuddin. we Malaysians are only interested to know from Malaysian Official 1 (MO1) or you, whether the revelations are true (based on facts), or lies. Since neither you nor MO1 has made denials, we have to take it that the DOJ is telling the truth.
Whatever their motive is, MO1 has allegedly taken our money and spent it lavishly, thereby necessitating the government to implement the Goods & Services Tax (GST), which has severely burdened the people of Malaysia.
How can MO1 and family and yourself rest well at night, knowing that you all have brought shame to Malaysia and hardship to its people?
Rupert16: The DOJ has supported its allegations with documents and evidence. What has the Prime Minister's Office (PMO), attorney-general Mohamed Apandi Ali and the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) come out with to disprove the allegations other than bald statements alleging conspiracy, baseless accusations and "other motivations", etc?
Nothing. If anything, they tried to stop the investigations, and the report of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) was sealed under the Official Secrets Act (OSA) even though PM Najib Razak had boasted that these reports would be made public before the start of the audits.
Anonymous 1719401496919916: Sharifuddin, how dare you even mention this: "The Malaysian government will fully cooperate with any lawful investigation of Malaysian companies or citizens in accordance with international protocols.”
What did the Malaysian government do when requested by the Swiss and Singapore governments to help? Everyone knows the answer.
Pemerhati: Sharifuddin in his statement said the DOJ had yet again, failed to seek the cooperation from the Malaysian government and 1MDB prior to the latest filing, and that the government would fully cooperate with any lawful investigation of Malaysian companies or citizens in accordance with international protocols.
Notice that the US also did not inform Islamabad about their plans to get rid of Osama bin Laden because they knew that the Pakistan would deny that Osama was in Pakistan and would then quickly find Osama a different hiding place.
Most countries and many Malaysians have known for some time that Malaysia too is in the same category as Pakistan when it comes to trustworthiness and telling the truth because their leaders and senior public officials have been caught lying blatantly on multiple occasions.
Clever Voter: The evidence on the abuse of 1MDB funds is overwhelming, yet it is denied by 'friends of MO1' from top to bottom.
The crimes were allegedly committed outside the country, and any sovereign state has the right to probe such crimes committed on its soil. To suggest outside interference is ridiculous and shameless. The DOJ did the right thing.
If the Malaysian government is sincere in clearing its 'good name', then it should be open and cooperate accordingly.
Dont Just Talk: Again, as the saying goes, if you are stupid, do not open your mouth.
The 1MDB financial scandal is a millstone hanging around the prime minister's neck, what more with the latest revelation by the DOJ that they are seizing US$500 million from businessman Jho Low, an associate of MO1's, over his share of Parkland Hotel in Manhattan, New York, and another RM416 million over three properties owned by Jho Low in London.
Without the help of someone who holds a senior government position, the 1MDB scam would not have succeeded.
Closer to home and across the Causeway, the Singapore government has charged and jailed four private wealth managers and suspended the licence of two foreign banks over alleged money laundering linked to 1MDB.
Anonymous #40538199: First, the PM's press secretary does not deny whether the MO1's wife is in possession of such expensive jewellery.
It seems like the PM's press secretary does not dispute the objective of seizing the assets, but only object to the "unnecessary and gratuitous naming of certain matters and individuals".
681 Porky Pies: Thanks for the revelation Sharifuddin, finally we now know that the DOJ works for Pakatan Harapan.
Ferdtan: Sharifuddin, it looks like your boss had wasted his time in May when he attended the Riyadh summit with Muslim leaders and US President Donald Trump.
Did he have any private conversation with Trump about his personal problem (1MBD)? We guess not; as with just over a month after the summit, more damning allegations were released by DOJ.
So, the money spent on US lobbyist has gone to waste. Then again, Trump has his own problem with a special prosecutor who is probing possible “obstruction of justice” to take care of his favourite “golfing buddy.”
Tony Soprano: People keep yammering about suing the DOJ or The Wall Street Journal for "defamation". How many times do I have to repeat -  that US libel law is not like UK laws, which make an industry of defamation lawsuits.
In the US, it is very difficult to win libel and slander suits, especially for plaintiffs who are powerful or are public figures.
You have to prove the defendant was deliberately lying and that the plaintiff's reputation was damaged to the extent of impeding operations.
This is to protect free speech and the public from the wrath of the powerful. Unlike British common law, it's set in stone in the US constitution.
Malaysia To Be: The crime is as clear as daylight and you have suppressed, and continue to do so, every attempt by Malaysians to probe this scandal. The attorney-general, even before he warmed his seat, declared the PM innocent.
Come on, have some conscience, if he is innocent, why is he afraid to be investigated? Why do all of you have to try so hard to defend the indefensible? Why does the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) have nothing to say on this?

Demi Rakyat: You reap what you sow. That is what's happening now. It has nothing to do with interference. It has everything to do with exposing the guilty - (and we know who they are!) - and bringing them to justice.- Mkini

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