
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, June 2, 2017

Husband of woman in parking lot fight video apologises

The husband of a woman seen in a viral video showing an obscene gesture, throwing her slippers at a car, and hitting the car parked near a Ramadhan bazaar has came forward to apologise on her behalf.
Muhammad Jefry Sudin, 33, reportedly said that he wishes to clear the air over the incident involving his wife, Siti Khadijah Awang, 28, and another woman driver.
According to Jefry, the incident occurred shortly after he parked their car near a Ramadhan bazaar in Kuah town, Langkawi, on Wednesday.
“I was driving our car and there was another car in front of us with three women inside. We were both searching for a parking space.
“There was one space but the car in front of me had overshot, so I entered the spot to park my car,” he said as quoted by Harian Metro.
Commenting further, Jefry said the car’s driver had insisted that the parking spot was hers, aside from hurling expletives which angered his wife, triggering her to show an obscene gesture and to throw her slippers.
“On that point I was apologising on behalf of my wife and I did not expect that she would react in that manner.
“I view it as a small incident but it became viral when the woman, believed to be the one who recorded the incident, uploaded it onto social media and attracted various responses,” he said.
Jefry, however, urged all who had viewed the video to not lay the full blame on his wife, without finding out the real reason behind it.
A woman in the front car who was later identified as Ann Lim had uploaded a video on her Facebook account, showing how they were attacked by Siti Khadijah at about 7pm on Wednesday.
The 42-second video had since gone viral with over 3,000 likes and 11,000 shares.

According to the FB post, the driver had claimed that she was the first to see the parking spot and was waiting for another car to vacate it.
She also said that she had turned on her signal to indicate that she wanted to park at the spot, but was overtaken by the couple’s car.
The incident led the driver to honk her car horn but she was allegedly ignored until Siti Khadijah came towards her car in rage.- Mkini

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