
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, June 17, 2017


The following is the media statement by the US Department of Justice dated yesterday Thursday 15th June 2017.
U.S. Seeks to Recover Approximately $540 Million Obtained From Corruption Involving Malaysian Sovereign Wealth FundJustice Department filing civil forfeiture complaints
seeking forfeiture and recovery of $540 million assets
international conspiracy to launder funds from Msian sovereign wealth fund
civil forfeiture complaints filed July 2016 $1 billion
civil forfeiture complaints filed last week seeking $100 million
largest action under Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiative.
Assets total almost $1.7 billion.
2009 – 2015, $4.5b funds belonging to (1MDB) misappropriated
high-level officials of 1MDB
Criminal Division steadfast in efforts to protect security, safety, integrity of American financial system from all manner of abuse, including by kleptocrats seeking to hide their ill-gotten or stolen wealth”
(My comments : Mampus lah MO1. Rupanya Donald Trump tidak akan membantu.)
Today’s complaints reveal another chapter of this multi-year, multi-billion-dollar fraud scheme, total stolen proceeds to $4.5 billion.
money financed lavish lifestyles of alleged co-conspirators at the expense and detriment of Malaysian people.
We are unwavering in our commitment to ensure the United States is not a safe haven for corrupt individuals and kleptocrats to hide their ill-gotten wealth or money, and that recovered assets be returned to the victims from which they were taken.”
(My comments : Mampus lah MO1. Rupanya Donald Trump tidak akan membantu.)
 “These cases involve billions of dollars that should have been used to help the people of Malaysia, but instead was used by a small number of individuals to fuel their astonishing greed,”
“The misappropriation of 1MDB funds was accomplished with an extravagant web of lies and bogus transactions that were brought to light by the dedicated attorneys and law enforcement agents who continue to work on this matter. We simply will not allow the United States to be a place where corrupt individuals can expect to hide assets and lavishly spend money that should be used for the benefit of citizens of other nations.”
(My comments : Mampus lah MO1. Rupanya Donald Trump tidak akan membantu.)
“Today’s filing serves as a reminder of the important role that the FBI plays in rooting out international corruption. When corrupt foreign officials launder funds through the United States in furtherance of their criminal activity, the FBI works tirelessly to help hold those officials accountable, and recover the misappropriated funds,”
“I applaud all my colleagues and our international partners who have worked to help recover an immense amount of funds taken from the Malaysian people, who are the victims of this abhorrent case of kleptocracy.”
“Today’s announcement is the result of untangling a global labyrinth of multi-layered financial transactions allegedly used to divert billions of dollars from the people of Malaysia and fund the co-conspirators’ lavish lifestyles,”
“The IRS is proud to partner with other law enforcement agencies and share its world-renowned financial investigative expertise in this complex financial investigation. It’s important for the world to see, that when people use the American financial system for corruption, the IRS will take notice.”
officials at 1MDB, their relatives and other associates – diverted more than $4.5 billion in 1MDB funds.
Using fraudulent documents and representations, the co-conspirators allegedly laundered the funds through a series of complex transactions and shell companies with bank accounts located in the U.S. and abroad.
These transactions allegedly served to conceal the origin, source and ownership of the funds, and ultimately passed through U.S. financial institutions to then be used to acquire and invest in assets located in the U.S. and overseas.
in 2014, the co-conspirators misappropriated approximately $850 million in 1MDB
1MDB had borrowed a total of $1.225 billion from a syndicate of banks
approximately $850 million was instead diverted to several offshore shell entities.
funds stolen used, among other things, to purchase a 300 foot luxury yacht valued at over $260 million, certain movie rights, high-end properties, tens of millions of dollars of jewelry, and artwork.
A portion of the diverted loan proceeds were also allegedly used in an elaborate, Ponzi-like scheme to create the false appearance that an earlier 1MDB investment had been profitable.
in 2009, 1MDB officials and their associates embezzled approximately $1 billion
The FBI’s International Corruption Squads in New York City and Los Angeles, and the IRS-CI are investigating the case.
My comments :  Here is an urgent message to the AG Appandi Ali from a retired senior judge.
 “If all of the DOJ’s allegations are not true, then why arent we applying to intervene in the US proceedings to clear 1MDB’s and MO1’s names? 
  • Arent these money laundering and kleptocrat allegations putting Malaysia to shame? 
  • How long can Appandi go? 
  • He is no Attorney General at all.”  
Maybe that line sould read ‘How low can Appandi go?’
But this is a great suggestion.  Thank you Yang Ariff.
Appandi as the AG should formally apply to the USA to intervene in the Court proceedings in the US. 
Appandi should bring along at least one shoe-box full of evidence to refute ALL THESE allegations by the United State’s Department of Justice about 1MDB, about MO1, MO1’s wife etc.
This is very shameful and damaging to the country.
Of course Appandi must bear with the fact that Melayu UMNO memang tak ada rasa malu sikit pun.  
The US DOJ is actually saying that MO1 is tidak bermaruah.
So Appandi as the AG must tebus the maruah of MO1.  
Malaysian Media please ask the AG’s Chambers to explain why they are NOT officially applying to be intervenors at the US Court (that is hearing this 1MDB case).
Since the AG’s Media Statement has refuted and denied the US DOJ’s  Court filing,  the next logical step is for the AG’s Chambers  to send someone to the US, go to their Court, take your one shoe-box full of evidence and shove it in the faces of the Americans.
Tell them they are wrong.   
What a fantastic idea.
– http://syedsoutsidethebox.blogspot.my

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