
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, June 16, 2017


Mahathir thinks that Najib might dissolve Parliament soon after Hari Raya so that the general election can be held around August. Hence the timing of the DoJ announcement is perfect. And if the general election is not held in August after all, and is instead held next year, Mahathir can ask the DoJ to come out with a third announcement.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Next weekend, Malaysians are going to balek kampung and the highways leading out of Kuala Lumpur are going to be choked with cars. People are then going to gather for Hari Raya to eat, drink and gossip. And Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad wants Malaysians to gossip about yesterday’s United States Department of Justice (DoJ) press announcement (READ HERE: Mahathir’s feeble attempt at reviving the dead 1MDB issue).
The 1MDB matter is practically dead. No one discusses the matter anymore. Mahathir said RM42 billion of 1MDB’s money has lesap or disappeared into thin air. He then said it could be even higher than RM42 billion, maybe even RM50 billion. He also said if Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak travels overseas he would be arrested and will be extradited to the United States to face trial.
Mahathir’s frustration is he was promised that the 1MDB matter would kill Najib. When he started the attack in December 2014 Najib was supposed to last only about half a year. When in January 2015 Najib put Arul Kanda Kandasamy in charge of 1MDB — and asked him to come out with his rationalisation and debt restructuring plan and present it to the Cabinet for approval — Mahathir realised that Najib was not going to fall that easily.
Muhyiddin was supposed to finish Najib off during the 29th July 2015 Cabinet meeting but instead got axed a day before that on 28th July
Mahathir then planned a coup for July 2015. During the 29th July 2015 Cabinet meeting, the police, the MACC and the Attorney General would wait outside the meeting room and Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin would give Najib two options. Either resign then and there, or else the police, MACC and AG would be invited into the room to arrest Najib.
Beforehand they prepared a so-called charge sheet, which will be shown to Najib, and if Najib resists he would be removed by force. They also leaked that charge sheet to Sarawak Report so that it can go viral before they make their move on Najib. Later, of course, they denied it and said that the charge sheet was a fake and a police report was made regarding this forgery.
One day before the planned 29th July 2015 putsch, on 28th July, Najib axed Muhyiddin and replaced him with Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. That caught Mahathir totally off-guard. A day before that, on the 27th July 2015, Najib got rid of Attorney General Abdul Gani Patail as well. The IGP, Khalid Abu Bakar, very wisely took the side of the winning team and his head was saved (which is why Clare Rewcastle Brown a.k.a. Sarawak Report is going all out to bring Khalid down).
Clare works for Mahathir and is very highly paid and her job is to come out with fake news
The 29th July 2015 putsch, the day Najib was supposed to have been escorted to jail in handcuffs, failed. Instead the ‘six Tan Sri’ who were behind the conspiracy hit the dirt. Mahathir was furious. He tried again three months later in October with a planned vote of no confidence in Parliament and two months later with a planned ouster during the December Umno annual assembly.
Both those attempts failed as well: three strikes in a row and Najib was still standing.
By then 1MDB’s health was improving greatly and it appeared like Arul was delivering the promise he made to the Cabinet after all. 1MDB was proving to be a blunt weapon that could no longer cut Najib’s throat. That was when Mahathir decided it was time to get a foreign government involved.
Anwar is the United States’ greatest Malaysian ‘asset’ and when he made his move to oust Mahathir it was with the blessing of the US who wanted the anti-West Malaysian Prime Minister removed
Anwar Ibrahim’s connections in the United States is superb. He managed to get funding from many US sources, George Soros included. So Mahathir used Anwar’s people, such as Cynthia Gabriel, to talk to the Americans. Mahathir then sent Mathias Chang, Khairuddin Abu Hassan, Zeti Akhtar Aziz, Abu Kassim Mohamed, and Abdul Gani Patail to meet the people in the US DoJ to discuss how they can assist in bringing Najib down.
On 20th July 2016, the DoJ fired the first shot by announcing the same thing they announced yesterday (READ HERE: Mahathir’s feeble attempt at reviving the dead 1MDB issue). Mahathir then got Tun Daim Zainuddin and Kadir Jasin to go to town with the issue (they were supposed to hold a series of press conferences simultaneously in Malaysia and in Jakarta). But Daim and Kadir blundered and the matter did not gain momentum as Mahathir had wanted.
It was back to the drawing board for Mahathir. He needed a second bite of the apple. So this time he got Cynthia Gabriel, Matthias Chang, Sivarasa Rasiah and Clare Rewcastle Brown to handle the matter (he no longer trusted Daim and Kadir to handle it). Sivarasa and Matthias drafted the Verified Complaint for Forfeiture (READ HERE), after which Cynthia handed it to Sandra Brown, the Acting U.S. Attorney of the Central District of California.
The DoJ says their press announcement is based on a complaint and that no crime has as yet been proven and this is not about Najib or even ‘MO1’
That was what yesterday’s announcement by the DoJ was all about. And now Mahathir is going to allow this to simmer slowly and come to a boil during Hari Raya when Malaysians meet to eat and gossip. And Mahathir hopes that the main subject they will gossip about is yesterday’s DoJ announcement — while Anwar hopes the topic being discussed will be about the RM9.5 million Najib was alleged to have paid Muhammad Shafee Abdullah.
Mahathir thinks that Najib might dissolve Parliament soon after Hari Raya so that the general election can be held around August. Hence the timing of the DoJ announcement is perfect. And if the general election is not held in August after all, and is instead held next year, Mahathir can ask the DoJ to come out with a third announcement.
This sounds just like the series of press conferences and announcements that Cynthia Gabriel organised through her French lawyer a few years ago. They kept telling Malaysians that a trial was ongoing in Paris and that the French police were going to subpoena Najib to testify in that trial.
It was actually fake news. There was no such trial and the French were not going to subpoena Najib to testify in that ‘trial’. What happened was SUARAM had filed a complaint with a French court and the court instructed the police to investigate SUARAM’s complaint, not investigate Najib. In fact, the report the police submitted to the court is that they had no interest in Najib at all (so he was NOT a ‘person of interest’ as SUARAM alleged).
So Cynthia Gabriel lied. And she also lied to the French court when SUARAM’s locus standi was questioned and she told the court that SUARAM is an international NGO whereas it is company registered with Malaysia’s Registrar of Companies. If someone tells the French court this it will be Cynthia and not Najib who the French are going to arrest.
Cynthia pulled a con job regarding the ‘trial’ in France and now is doing it again regarding the DoJ matter
Cynthia Gabriel pulled a con job in the French episode. And now she is doing it again. There is no criminal investigation against Najib. This is a civil action involving seizure of assets. However, before the DoJ can proceed with all these seizures, it first needs to prove in court that a crime has been committed. And they have not done this yet.
And in the documents that the DoJ published there is no mention of Najib. In fact, there is even no mention of the famous ‘MO1’. So this is not about Najib although it refers to 1MDB. Najib is not under investigation. The action is not against Najib. They do suggest it involves 1MDB but say that this is based on complaints and not proven in court.
That was also what the French said regarding the first matter.
And that French issue has died a natural death and for a long time Cynthia has not said a word about the matter. This US DoJ matter is going to suffer the same fate. They know that but they do not care. What they care about is that next weekend people are going to stuff themselves with rendang and ketupat and will discuss the DoJ announcement. And Mahathir hopes that two months after that Malaysians will face the general election and will remember what they talked about next weekend during Hari Raya.

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