
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, June 25, 2017

US' DOJ doesn't work like our institutions

YOURSAY | ‘But like M’sia, the US takes legal action against anyone who break its laws.’
Enggang: “The DOJ (US Department of Justice) said its civil lawsuit to seize 1MDB-related assets includes all relevant details so that reasonable belief can be proven during a trial.
“It was responding to Abdul Rahman (Dahlan), who had said that the DOJ was insinuating criminal misconduct by the prime minister's wife Rosmah Mansor by linking her to diamonds allegedly bought using cash misappropriated from 1MDB, even though it had no intention to seize the jewellery.”
Minister Abdul Rahman, the DOJ doesn't work like our institutions, which kowtow most of the time to MO1 (Malaysian Official 1), who is struggling for his political survival.
The DOJ follows certain principles, which when followed meticulously, can even result in an impeachment of the US president.
We have indeed descended to the lowest level in integrity and moral values despite our claim to be an Islamic nation.
Don’t Just Talk: The DOJ is in the business of facts and not insinuation, and if the Malaysian government feels that the DOJ has defamed Malaysia and slandered MO1 and his wife, they can sue to clear their name. Remaining quiet is not an option.
Prudent: It looks like the DOJ is taking the financially cheaper and more lucrative approach to the money-laundering case. The standard of proof is lower when seizing illegally bought assets (balance of probabilities), and therefore the cost of investigation will likely also be lower.
And if as reported, the DOJ gets 20% of the recovered assets, the investigation will likely be very lucrative, especially given the billions involved in 1MDB.
If the DOJ were to pursue a criminal charge, the standard of proof would be much higher (beyond reasonable doubt). The cost of the investigation and the criminal trial would also be very much higher.
Therefore, I doubt that after successfully seizing the illegally bought assets, the DOJ will press criminal charges. It is up to Malaysia to press criminal charges, whether or not the DOJ does so.
Hmmmmm: The DOJ is giving a fair chance to anyone who has a legitimate claim to the identified items, to plead their case and have the items returned to them (or hold on to them, as the case may be).
If they remain quiet, they will lose the items and show they didn't own them legitimately in the first place.
Falcon: It’s nothing new - it’s systemic in Malaysian politics and its leaders. They cannot handle facts, and cannot give a straight answer to a straight question.
Example: YB, are you corrupt? The YB’s answer: “This is a Jewish conspiracy against our race, religion because we support the Palestinians.”
Hello, please answer the question!
Hang Babeuf: That is what the DOJ says. But why believe or trust them? After all, Umno information chief Annuar Musa has told us the truth: “DOJ conspiring to end Muslim rule in Malaysia.”
On second thoughts, why believe or trust him?
Anonymous 2398161454293761: Malaysia takes legal action against anyone who breaks Malaysian laws. The United States also takes legal action against anyone who break the US laws. The 1MDB issue is as simple as that.
Anonymous #44199885: Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak called on Muslims to continue exercising patience through all trials and tribulations.
He said trials in life were a test to gauge one's patience and faith, and fasting during the holy month was one way to build up the virtue of patience.
The patience of Malaysians with regards to corruption, gerrymandering and abuse of power is legendary.
There is no country in the world that can compare with Malaysia, whose people, unlike the Koreans, Thais, Filipinos and Indonesians, have patiently waited for their leaders to deal with the allegations of misappropriation of public funds via 1MDB.
Despite the allegations by no less than the Swiss attorney-general, the prosecution by the Singaporean authorities with regards to money laundering and other fraudulent activities, and the forfeiture actions filed by the DOJ, we Malaysians are still patiently waiting for our police, attorney-general and Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to take action against those responsible for robbing the public coffers.
No action is being taken against alleged mastermind Jho Low and his compatriots despite the evidence collected and assembled by the DOJ, yet we Malaysians are a patient lot.
In any other country, even the corrupt would have taken action against MO1 out of some sense of responsibility, but not so in Malaysia, and all because Malaysians are a patient lot.
Anonymous_1400076912: Patience, when attacked for wrongdoing and for no wrongdoing, are two different things.
The former is not patience but cowardice, because you cannot refute the charges. Silence in this case is the best option. The latter is a virtue and you remain patient because you are innocent. You do not fear the truth, as the truth will set you free.
JD Lovrenciear: In my humble opinion, the media must stop posting pictures of politicians performing prayers. Prayer is a personal, private encounter with God.
To use such images when reporting political news can be construed as politicians using religion and piety to win hearts and minds. That is wrong. Prayer, piety and observance of the tenets of one’s religion is a dialogue between man and God. It is not a currency for trading perceptions.
I hope the learned and wise teachers of faith can enlighten by participating in this humble opinion I have highlighted here.
Clever Voter: Najib never fails to amuse the nation. Yesterday he preached the need to be noble, today the virtues of patience, tomorrow will be something else.

Yet the country to which he is accountable practises double standards, and never a day ends without another corruption scandal arising among his own public servants.
Are we missing something here?- Mkini

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