
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, October 2, 2017

Mahathir Also Using Malays To Screw Malays

Mahathir does not understand what he is talking about because he is not a scholar. He is going on and on about the result or symptoms of the division of the ummah. He should talk about the cause of this division. The cause is because politicians like Mahathir have adopted the divide-and-rule strategy of turning the ummah against each other. And that is why Mahathir and Lim Kit Siang can work together: because both are using Malays to screw Malays.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Just as PAS gathers 200,000 supporters in Terengganu, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad laments that Muslims are not living as Muslims — meaning Muslims are not true Muslims. That probably goes for Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, etc., as well but that is another debate for another time. Today we will just discuss what Mahathir said about deviant Muslims.
Mahathir once said Muslims should not sport beards and that the only reason Prophet Muhammad kept a beard is because they had no Gillette shaving blades at that time. That is actually true (that there were no Gillette shaving blades at that time) because the company was formed in 1901 and not in 600. Nevertheless, is this the reason why Muslims, the Prophet included, had beards?

Mahathir says Prophet Muhammad was able to shave his head but was unable to shave his chin because they had no Gillette shaving blades back in the year 600

Long before the birth of the Prophet people in the Arabian Peninsula already practiced the Haj ritual. Hence the Haj is actually a pre-Islamic ritual. And one of the rituals is the shaving of the head. If the Arabs back in, say the year 100, did not have any shaving utensils, how did they shave their heads? They were able to shave their heads but were unable to shave their chins, according to Mahathir’s understanding of why Muslims kept beards but shaved bald.
When Mahathir talks he simply shoots from the hip and what he says is not based on academic research. Mahathir should read more or take short three-month courses at Oxford and Cambridge on Philosophy of Religion, Political Philosophy, Comparative Religions, World Religions, History of Religions, and so on. This will open his mind to the truth, as now Mahathir has a very narrow view of ‘truth’ and to him ‘truth is as I see it’.
Mahathir said Muslims only perform fardhu ain and do not really follow the Qur’an. This statement alone demonstrates Mahathir’s shallow understanding of the Qur’an. Fardhu ain is between you and God (Allah). If you fail to perform fardhu ain you have sinned against God. More important than fardhu ain is fardhu kifayah. If you fail to perform fardhu kifayah you have sinned against humankind.

Mahathir is working with DAP to use the Malays to screw the Malays and to divide the Muslim ummah

Let us look at a simple example to demonstrate how this works. Let’s say you are the Prime Minister and you have political power. But then all the banks in Malaysia are non-Islamic, in that they charge interest on loans. Hence every Muslim in Malaysia who borrows money needs to pay interest and would be indulging in sin.
You as Prime Minister can do something about this. You can set up Islamic banks that do not charge interest but work on the basis of partnership and profit sharing. But then you do not. You allow the Muslims to continue to sin by paying interest. So you have sinned against humankind and God cannot forgive you for this. You need to seek forgiveness from every Muslim who is dead, still alive, or yet to be born as long as their sin continue even after your death.
Mahathir talks about reading the Qur’an and about understanding what you read by comparing many different translations to make sure you are understanding correctly what you read. Actually, no need to go so far and to discuss this in a very complex manner. Let us just simplify the discussion and see if Mahathir understands what he is talking about or whether he is as misguided as those Islamic State (IS) terrorists he is condemning.

The ‘Muslim problem’ is the division of the ummah, like what Mahathir is doing

Islam is a religion of the ummah. That is why Muslims are referred to as the Muslim ummah (ummah Islam). But then Mahathir has spent his entire life dividing the ummah. Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and PAS President Abdul Hadi Awang are trying to reverse the damage that Mahathir has done to the ummah. And Mahathir is trying to oppose that by working with non-Muslims to oppose the unity of the ummah that Najib and Hadi are attempting.
No need to read the whole Qur’an. No need to read 25 different translations of the Qur’an. Just focus on one word: ummah. And ask Mahathir why he is against the unity of the ummah, which is the very foundation of Islam. All those problems regarding IS, ISIS, the Sunni-Shia divide, Iran-Iraq war that took one million lives, Libyan civil war, Syrian civil war, and whatnot, are due to only one thing: the division of the ummah. And Mahathir is trying to do the same thing in Malaysia: dividing the ummah.
Mahathir does not understand what he is talking about because he is not a scholar. He is going on and on about the result or symptoms of the division of the ummah. He should talk about the cause of this division. The cause is because politicians like Mahathir have adopted the divide-and-rule strategy of turning the ummah against each other. And that is why Mahathir and Lim Kit Siang can work together: because both are using Malays to screw Malays.

Dr Mahathir: Some Muslims not living as Muslims

(FMT) – Pakatan Harapan chairman Dr Mahathir Mohamad has denounced Muslims who display piety through conspicuous acts of worship but do not conduct their lives in accordance with the spirit of the Quran.
Speaking at a forum in Bangi, he said such Muslims would focus only on “fardhu ain (obligatory acts of worship)” such as prayer, fasting, charity and the Haj, ignoring many other Quranic injunctions, such as those that would lead to mercy and compassion among human beings.
He said unrest in some Muslim countries was the result of defiance against such teachings.
Referring to the Islamic State (IS) terror group, he said it was obvious that its members were defying the Quran.
He said he wondered whether the terrorists, when slaughtering their victims, would invoke God’s attributes of Grace and Mercy like Muslims were supposed to do when slaughtering animals for food.
He said this was why it was important for Muslims to read and understand the Quran.
“When I read the Quran,” he said, “I also read the translations so that I understand what I’m reading, and I will find out whether those translations are correct by reading other translations.
“If I find two or three translations that are similar, then I can safely assume that the translation is accurate.”

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