
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, October 23, 2017


Is this true? Did Azeez appoint Apandi as a Board member of Tabung Haji? And is he grooming Apandi to eventually take over as Tabung Haji’s Chairman? In that case Apandi is definitely Azeez’s ‘boy’, as Azeez says. And what services did Apandi do for Azeez that he is being rewarded for? Is Apandi helping Azeez avoid prosecution? And what cases are those? Do they involve corruption?

Today, The Malaysian Insight said ‘Angry AG to sue Raja Petra for spreading fake news’.
The Malaysian Insight is owned by Attorney-General Mohamed Apandi Ali’s brother-in-law and is being financed by DAP and and co-sponsored by Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim, the multi-millionaire Chairman of Tabung Haji.
Notice that they used the term ‘fake news’? Why use the term ‘fake news’? When Sarawak Report comes out with their stories it is called ‘whistle-blowing’. In fact, they even refer to Sarawak Report as a ‘whistle-blowing website’. The same with all the other pro-Pakatan sites such as The Malaysian Insight, Malaysiakini, Malaysia Chronicle, etc. They are said to be doing ‘whistle-blowing’. So why when Malaysia Today comes out with exposes and revelations it is not called ‘whistle-blowing’ but is called ‘fake news’?

How did Azeez becomes a multi-millionaire and where did all his money come from? 

Anyway, if Apandi feels that the article which Malaysia Today wrote, Strong rumours surrounding the AG: part 1(READ HERE), is fake news, which part is fake? Many things were said in that article so Apandi needs to clarify which part is fake if he thinks it is fake.
If Apandi prefers to sue rather than clarify let it be so. In that case we will have to reveal more things, many which we have documents to prove. For example, what is he going to say if certain documents surface that prove a serious conflict of interest bordering on downright abuse of power?
Then there is the issue of Muhammad Shafee Muhamad Abdullah who Apandi has been running down and bad mouthing. Apandi even told a number of Shafee’s clients if they continue appointing him as their lawyer then they are going to lose their case. If Apandi wants to go to court then all these people will have the opportunity to testify and prove that Malaysia Today did not come out with ‘fake news’? So that suits us just fine.
It is Azeez who is going around telling everyone that ‘the AG is my boy’. What does Azeez mean by ‘the AG is my boy’? Apandi is on the board of Tabung Haji and Azeez is telling everyone that he put Apandi there because he is grooming Apandi to take over as Chairman once he retires as the AG ‘as a reward for his services’.

Azeez said Apandi is his ‘boy’ and is being groomed as the next Tabung Haji Chairman

Is this true? Did Azeez appoint Apandi as a Board member of Tabung Haji? And is he grooming Apandi to eventually take over as Tabung Haji’s Chairman? In that case Apandi is definitely Azeez’s ‘boy’, as Azeez says. And what services did Apandi do for Azeez that he is being rewarded for? Is Apandi helping Azeez avoid prosecution? And what cases are those? Do they involve corruption?
All these ‘dark secrets’ regarding Apandi come from Azeez. Azeez has many corruption cases that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) is looking into and he is very scared. Azeez knows MACC’s chief commissioner, Dzulkifli Ahmad, cannot be bought. That is why Apandi announced they are setting up a special task force to investigate the extra-martial affair allegation against Dzulkifli, at the behest of Azeez.
Being the AG, Apandi knows he cannot set up a special task force without Cabinet approval. If not it will be an illegal task force. Azeez, however, assured Apandi that he will make sure the Cabinet approves this task force. But that did not happen so Azeez told Apandi to proceed with the task force without the Cabinet’s approval.
But then the AG just prosecutes and not investigates crimes. Investigation is the realm of the police. If Apandi proceeds with the special task force without Cabinet approval, and takes over from the police the task of investigating, then it can only be because he is Azeez’s stooge. So what fake news are they talking about? The proof of the pudding, as they say, is in the eating.

Why does Azeez want to get rid of Dzulkifli and is using Apandi and the illegal special task force to do that?

Why does Apandi not also arrest and charge Muhyiddin Yassin under that same law since his affair with Nika Gee has been proven and does not need to be investigated further? And Muhyiddin committed those crimes from the time he was the Johor Menteri Besar till the time he was Malaysia’s Deputy Prime Minister.
This is the first time in history the Attorney-General wants to set up a special task force (and without Cabinet approval on top of that) to investigate someone alleged to be having an affair. The truth is Azeez wants to get rid of Dzulkifli because he is worried he might end up in jail and he is using Apandi to do that. So this sort of confirms that Apandi is Azeez’s boy and Azeez can tell him to jump and his only response will be ‘how high, sir?’.
Apandi does not realise (or does he?) that Azeez is extremely toxic and he poisons all those he comes into contact with like a carcass in a drinking well. It is Azeez who is telling everyone that he helped Apandi become the Attorney-General. It is Azeez who is telling everyone that he controls the Attorney-General and that Apandi is his boy. It is Azeez who is collecting millions from various people to help ‘settle’ their cases because, according to him, he can tell the AG what to do. It is Azeez who is telling everyone he is financing The Malaysian Insight at the behest of Apandi.

Azeez wants everyone to believe he is super-rich because he kisses Rosmah Mansor’s hand whereas the truth is he has a cash cow or money printing machine named Apandi Ali

Azeez is super-rich — every single Malaysian is aware of that — but no one knows where all his money came from. It looks like, as Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is fond of saying, the money appeared from thin air. Shafie Apdal is also super-rich but now every Malaysian knows where his money came from. And we know because MACC revealed the truth about Shafie. MACC has not yet revealed the truth about Azeez’s wealth and this is why he is trying to oust Dzulkifli — so that MACC never reveals the truth about his wealth.
Most people assume that Azeez is super-rich because of his relationship with Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak. But that is what Azeez wants everyone to believe. The truth is Azeez is super-rich because of his relationship with the AG. Apandi is his cash cow. It is like Azeez owns a money printing machine named Apandi. Azeez is selling Apandi’s name left, right and centre and is collecting millions for that. That is why Azeez needs to control the AG. Apandi is worth his weight in gold as far as Azeez is concerned.
If Apandi denies he was recommended to the job of Attorney-General by the three senior judges (Tun Arifin Zakaria, the then Chief Justice, Tan Sri Md Raus Sharif, the then President of the Court of Appeal, and Tan Sri Zulkefli Ahmad Makinudin, the Chief Judge of Malaya), is he then saying Azeez helped him get that job? It has to be one or the other. Either the three senior judges helped Apandi become AG or Azeez did. Can Apandi answer this simple question? Or does he want to explain in court?
So which is it? Did Azeez help Apandi become the Attorney-General or was he recommend to that job by Tun Arifin Zakaria, Tan Sri Md Raus Sharif, and Tan Sri Zulkefli Ahmad Makinudin? And is Azeez grooming Apandi to take over as the new Tabung Haji chairman once he retires as the AG? And why is Apandi doing Azeez’s bidding by setting up an illegal special task force without Cabinet approval to investigate Dzulkifli? And should not the police instead of the AG be doing investigating work? Can Apandi explain all this or does he prefer to go to court to explain it?
Raja Petra Kamarudin
– http://www.malaysia-today.net

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