
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Mahathir Has Been Reduced To The Opposition Pact’s Donkey

Notwithstanding that, Wan Azizah reminds us that PKR’s Mata Lebam logo is symbolic of the injustice Mahathir did to Anwar, while the rest of the opposition pact reminds us that Mahathir is merely their tool to trick the Malays into voting for the opposition so that they can hopefully trigger a Malay tsunami. And Kit Siang plus the rest keep repeating that they have never forgotten or forgiven what Mahathir did and will address that after GE14.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
This was reported by Free Malaysia Today:
Nurul Nuha, a daughter of jailed opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, has appealed to unrelenting activists from the Reformasi era to lay aside their hostile attitude towards former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Speaking to FMT at the venue of a Pakatan Harapan ceramah here late yesterday, Nuha said it was her wish to see all Anwar loyalists forgive Mahathir out of concern for Malaysia’s future.
There are two things to note here.
First is that Anwar Ibrahim’s wife and daughters (note the plural ‘daughters’) are being forced to appeal to the opposition pact supporters to forgive and forget Mahathir’s misdeeds because there is great unhappiness on the ground regarding Mahathir’s nomination as the leader of the opposition and Prime Minister-in-waiting. So, they need to appeal to all their supporters to accept Mahathir.
Secondly, if the opposition pact wins GE14, then Anwar, his wife Dr Wan Azizah Ismail, and his daughters, will all benefit from that win while all those Reformasi activists and supporters who suffered and sacrificed for 20 years since 1998 get nothing. Anwar’s clan will enjoy the power and wealth while the miserable lives of the Reformasi activists and supporters will remain miserable till the day they die.

Kit Siang has successfully turned Mahathir into DAP’s Ali Baba and turned Anwar’s PKR into DAP’s Ali Baba outfit

In essence, they are asking the Reformasi activists and supporters to continue to suffer and sacrifice, after doing so for 20 years, so that Anwar and his wife and children can have a good life and great future ahead of them.
Of course, they have to tell us that this is a sacrifice and suffering for the good of the country. They cannot tell us the truth, which is that Mahathir is merely being used as a tool to try to oust Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and Umno — after which they are going to discard Mahathir. If they tell the Reformasi activists and supporters this, then there will be no dissent and rebellion from the ground. But then that will spoil everything.
DAP’s Ramasamy s/o Palanisamy, on the other hand, told the truth, which is that Mahathir is merely the opposition pact’s tool and no way have they forgiven and forgotten Mahathir’s crimes — which you can see in this video:

In fact, Khalid Samad and Wan Azizah both said if the opposition pact wins GE14 they are going to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry to investigate Mahathir’s crimes, Memali included.

RCI Into Memali If Pakatan Takes Putrajaya, Says Khalid Samad

Wan Azizah Not Ruling Out Possible Commission To Investigate Mahathir If Opposition Wins GE14

Nawawi Ahmad could not have made it clearer in the news item below (Opposition using Dr M like a tool).
And Wan Azizah could not resist pointing out the irony of Mahathir contesting GE14 under Anwar’s Mata Lebam or Black Eye. In English that would be called poetic justice. It is like Nazi war criminals seeking refuge or asylum in Israel — and being granted refuge or asylum.

PKR’s logo is Anwar’s Black Eye or Mata Lebam versus Barisan Nasional, says Wan Azizah, which is a slap in Mahathir’s face

There is no greater insult than asking Mahathir to contest under PKR’s Mata Lebam logo. But when Lim Kit Siang proposed it Mahathir very quickly agreed, much to everyone’s surprise. That shows how desperate Mahathir is. He knows there is no other avenue open to him other than tompang under PKR. If not, he might as well go home and retire.
Kit Siang’s main reason for suggesting the PKR logo is so that they can discard DAP’s rocket logo. DAP is too Chinese and their rocket logo has a negative effect on the Malays. So, they need to discard the Chinese rocket and replace it with a Malay Mata Lebam. DAP admits that without a ‘Malay tsunami’ they are not going to win GE14 so the whole exercise of using Mahathir and the Mata Lebam logo is to trick the Malays into voting for the opposition pact.
Notwithstanding that, Wan Azizah reminds us that PKR’s Mata Lebam logo is symbolic of the injustice Mahathir did to Anwar, while the rest of the opposition pact reminds us that Mahathir is merely their tool to trick the Malays into voting for the opposition so that they can hopefully trigger a Malay tsunami. And Kit Siang plus the rest keep repeating that they have never forgotten or forgiven what Mahathir did and will address that after GE14.

Nawawi: Opposition using Dr M like a tool

(The Star) – Datuk Nawawi Ahmad claims that the Opposition is using Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad like a tool and are asking too much of the nonagenarian just to wrest control of the Langkawi parliamentary seat from Barisan Nasional.
In a statement on Tuesday, the incumbent Langkawi MP singled out Lim Kit Siang and Datuk Seri Wan Azizah Wan Ismail for this “immoral action”.
“Since he turned 90, Dr Mahathir has been in and out of hospital practically every month – sometimes even twice a month.
“If Dr Mahathir is hospitalised this month, I blame Lim and Wan Azizah for forcing him to be the Langkawi candidate,” he said.
Nawawi added that he knew Dr Mahathir would strongly deny his claims.
“He would be too embarrassed to admit that he is being used by Lim and Wan Azizah, as both were his political enemies before,” he said.

‘Logo PKR ibarat lebam mata Anwar lawan BN’

(Malaysiakini) – Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail menyifatkan logo PKR ibarat lebam pada mata suaminya Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang juga menurutnya adalah simbol dalam melawan BN pada pilihan raya umum ke-14 (PRU14).
Kata Presiden PKR itu, rakyat harus memberikan undi kepada Pakatan Harapan (HARAPAN) sebagai tanda melawan kezaliman yang berlaku terhadap Anwar.
“Undilah Pakatan Harapan (HARAPAN) yang nampak macam biji mata ni. Anwar Ibrahim, lambang mata ni memang dia kena tumbuk,” kata Wan Azizah disambut tepukan hadirin dalam ceramah HARAPAN di Pengkalan Kundur, Kuala Kedah malam tadi.
Keempat-empat parti komponen HARAPAN akan menggunakan logo PKR pada PRU14 pada 9 Mei ini setelah pakatan pembangkang itu gagal didaftar Jabatan Pendaftar Pertubuhan (ROS).
Menceritakan kembali detik suaminya ditahan di bawah Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) pada 1998, Presiden PKR berkata ketika itu polis menyerbu rumahnya untuk menahan Anwar.
Wan Azizah yang mesra di sapa Kak Wan berkata, beliau ke Balai Polis Bukit Aman dengan berkaki ayam dan meminta anggota polis tidak mengapa-apakan suaminya.
Bagaimanapun, kata Wan Azizah, beliau mendapat tahu Anwar telah dibelasah.
“Memang ini cerita lama, memang nak cerita buat iktibar. Nak habaq kata memang Anwar Ibrahim dipukul setengah mati,” katanya dalam loghat utara.
Calon timbalan perdana menteri HARAPAN itu turut berterima kasih kepada anggota polis bawahan yang berbesar hati mengelap darah Anwar.
“Dia (Anwar) kata tak apa memang ketua polis negara pukul dia setengah mati tapi polis bawahan ni yang datang tolong lap dia, kita berbesar hati manusiawi dalam polis-polis bawahan, ada hati perut datang lap darah-darah dia. inilah lambang yang kita nak,” katanya.
Justeru, Wan Azizah menyeru semua pihak melawan kezaliman dengan memberikan undi kepada HARAPAN.
“Bahawa kita nak lawan kezaliman, pangkah keadilan 9 Mei akan datang. Jangan lupa. Ini bukan mainan, masa depan kita bersama nak berubah, bukan senang,” katanya.
Ceramah malam tadi dihadiri lebih 400 orang pengunjung pelbagai peringkat umur dan bangsa yang rata-ratanya bersorak apabila menyambut ketibaan Wan Aziah.
Selain itu, ceramah itu mengalami dua kali gangguan bekalan elektrik namun berjaya diatasi kurang dari 10 minit.
Turut kelihatan lapan pegawaia Pasukan Penguatkuasa Kempen Pilihan Raya (PPKPR) dari Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) yang memantau ceramah berkenaan.

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