
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Police detain man who insulted Dr M

Police have arrested a man for insulting Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, possibly the first such arrest under the new administration.
Langkawi police in a Facebook posting, said the suspect was arrested following police reports by several NGOs that were unhappy about "excessively insulting statements on Facebook towards Mahathir and Islam."
The suspect has been remanded until Sunday for investigations.
The Langkawi police Facebook page used the hashtags #lessonlearned and #berhemahketikaberbicara (Be polite when talking) at the end of the post.
PSM activist Khalid Ismath in a Twitter posting, slammed the arrest.
"Is calling someone a dictator a crime?" Khalid posted.
Arrests and police reports against those who insulted the prime minister were common during the administration of BN's Najib Abdul Razak.
Lawyers for Liberty (LFL) said that such practices today were frivolous and trivialised the act of lodging police reports while disregarding the rights of others to criticise. - Mkini

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