
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, July 29, 2018

Chin Peng And The MCP Opposed Merdeka, Not Fought For Merdeka

Pakatan Harapan is misleading Malaysians by saying that Chin Peng and the MCP were fighting for Merdeka. They were opposed to Merdeka and the Alliance Party. Chin Peng and the MCP were proxies of China, North Vietnam and the Soviet Union. They wanted to abolish the monarchy and turn Malaya into a Communist Republic. And until today they still want to do that.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
MCP Secretary-General Chin Peng and Malaysia’s new Attorney-General Tommy Thomas
Pakatan Harapan, Malaysia’s new Attorney-General included, wants the Malayan Communist Party (MCP) to be declared freedom fighters and for Chin Peng to be declared a patriot. Well, many Malays would like Hamas to be declared freedom fighters and for Yasser Arafat to be declared a patriot. Can those Tamil Tigers people in DAP agree to that? Hell, they even want Dr Zakir Naik to be declared a terrorist mainly because he is a Muslim preacher.
Some even say Malaysia got Merdeka on 31st August 1957 because of the MCP. They say the MCP was such a headache to the British that they gave Malaya independence just to get rid of the Communist Terrorists (CTs) problem. They say once Malaya was Merdeka the Malayan Emergency would no longer be a British problem.
Anyway, just to digress a bit, will Malaysia be celebrating the 61st of 55th Merdeka next month on 31st August? Sabah and Sarawak joined Malaysia in 1963 and not in 1957. So Malaysia is only 55 years old. How can Malaysia be celebrating its 61st Merdeka when Malaysia is only 55 years old?

Was Merdeka 55 years ago in 1963 or 61 years ago in 1957 and is it on 31st August or 16th September?

What is Pakatan Harapan going to do about this? Are they going to force Sabah and Sarawak to celebrate the 61st Anniversary of Merdeka next month when Sabah and Sarawak have been part of Malaysia for only 55 years? And Malaysia was formed on 16th September, not 31st August.
Last time they said under Umno and Barisan Nasional nothing can be done about it. Well, Malaysia is no longer under Umno and Barisan Nasional. And since today they said they want to rewrite history, then rewrite it. What day is Merdeka Day? 31st August or 16th September? And how many years is it? 55 or 61? Make a decision on that quickly. You got only 20 days left to reach 100 days.
‘Malaysia Baru’ or the New Malaysia should declare the 55th Anniversary of ‘Merdeka Baru’ on 16th September. Malaysia Baru no longer has Umno and Barisan Nasional to stop the declaration of the 55th Anniversary of Merdeka Baru on 16th September.

Chin Peng and the MCP refused to recognise the Federation of Malaya or agree to Merdeka unless it was based on a republic

Back to the issue of Chin Peng and the MCP. Chin Peng and the MCP were actually not only against British occupation. They were also against the formation of the Federation of Malaya. Remember a few days ago Lim Kit Siang said Najib Tun Razak committed treason because of that alleged letter to the CIA? Well, Chin and the MCP were backed by China, North Vietnam and the Soviet Union. If a mere letter to the CIA is considered treason, what would an armed insurgency backed by three foreign powers be? Freedom fighting?
During the Baling Talks in December 1955, Tunku Abdul Rahman and David Marshall wanted to declare an Amnesty for all Communist Terrorists (CTs) if they would lay down their arms and recognise the new Malayan government of the Alliance Party. (Five months before that in July 1955 the Alliance Party of Umno, MCA and MIC had won 51 of the 52 seats contested while PAS won 1).
But Chin Peng and the MCP refused to recognise the new government or pledge loyalty (sumpah taat setia) to the new government. They agreed to lay down their arms but did not want to swear any loyalty oath to the government. They wanted an option to take up arms again in future.

Almost 10,000 were killed and wounded by the MCP CTs

Tunku Rahman knew that Chin Peng and the MCP had been severely weakened by 2,700 of their CTs surrendering, 1,300 captured and 8,000 killed and wounded. The MCP CTs had lost 12,000 of their army and were down to less than 1,000 fighters so they needed a rest to build up their army to 10,000 again. And once they had 10,000 soldiers again they would continue their terrorist activities.
So, the Baling Talks failed. Chin Peng and the MCP rejected the terms of the treaty. They refused to recognise the new government of the Alliance Party and rejected Merdeka unless on the terms of the MCP. And that would mean the end of the monarchy and the creation of a republic.
Pakatan Harapan is misleading Malaysians by saying that Chin Peng and the MCP were fighting for Merdeka. They were opposed to Merdeka and the Alliance Party. Chin Peng and the MCP were proxies of China, North Vietnam and the Soviet Union. They wanted to abolish the monarchy and turn Malaya into a Communist Republic. And until today they still want to do that.

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