
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, July 29, 2018

Even Irshad Manji (the 'Scholar') Does Not Know There Are No 72 Virgins, 72 Raisins Or 72 Coconuts

Someone sent me a YouTube video of Irshad Manji talking to Fareed Zakaria on CNN. It pains me when the western media labels anyone and everyone an "Islamic scholar" even when they say the "wrongest" of things about Islam. 

As I keep repeating again and again the greatest mystery about Islam is the Quran -  the MOST UNREAD BOOK in the world.  


The Muslims claim that the Quran is "our holy Book".  
Ok but you dunggus do not read "our holy Book".  
Yet you talk so much about Islam - without reading "our holy Book". 

What is the result? 
The result is bad gas. 
Whatever you say about Islam becomes bad gas.

For example in that YouTube Video Irshad Manji "explains"  (nauzubillah) to Fareed Zakaria that the Muslims will NOT be given 72 virgins in paradise. 

"No no no", says Irshad.     Instead the Muslims will be given 72  R A I S I N S !!  

72  R A I S I N S !!  What the ...? This is an example of bad gas.   

Lets talk about this 72 virgins, 72 raisins, 72 coconuts thingy.

First lets go for the low hanging fruit. The easy part. 
The number 72 is NOT mentioned anywhere in the Quran. 
So please just drop this 72 virgins in the Quran crap. 
It is NOT in the Quran. 

But  R A I S I N S ??

Ok lets just look at the verses in Question.  

Here is a simple word search on the arabic word 'hoor' in the Quran.   
Anyone of you can do this word search yourselves. 

There are 13 grammatical forms of the word 'hoor' in the Quran.  

For example two of them are Surah 3:52 and Surah 5:112,  in this Cut and Paste picture below here.  (The box on the right is just my own notes that got cut along.)

The verses that have been misconstrued, misinterpreted and certainly mistranslated include these :

1.  Surah 52:20 They relax on luxurious furnishings, and we match them with beautiful spouses (wa-zawwaj - naa-hum bi hoorin ainin)

2.  Surah 56:22 Wahoorun 'ainin (translated as "doe eyed virgins", beautiful virgins, beautiful mates, fair ones with large eyes etc etc).

First of all in 52:20 above please note the word zawwaj which means spouse. 
A spouse is either your husband or your wife. 
No concubines, mistresses, sex slaves, toy-boys, giggolos etc.  
So lets put that to rest ok.

Then I saw that in the 13 different occurences of this word hoor and its derivatives,  Jesus disciples / followers are also called hoor (hawariyoon the plural of hoor).

Jesus did not have virgins (or RAISINS). He had "followers" or disciples.  Here are the verses :

Surah 3:52  When Jesus sensed their disbelief, he said, "Who are my supporters towards Allah?" The disciples / followers (hawariyoona) said, "We are Allah's supporters; we believe in Allah, and bear witness that we are muslims (submitters)."

Surah 5:111  "Recall that I inspired the disciples / followers (hawariyeen): `You shall believe in Me and My messenger. . . .'

Surah 5:112 "Recall that the disciples / followers (hawariyoon) said, "O Jesus, son of Mary . . ."

Surah 61:14 also mentions Jesus'  'disciples' / followers hawariyoon.

The hawariyoon were the followers of Jesus. 

Then here is Surah 58:1 

"Allah has heard the woman who debated with you about her husband, and complained to Allah. Allah heard everything the two of you discussed (tahawura). Allah is Hearer, Seer."

tahawura - the "to and fro"  debate between the two of them.   No virgins here either. 

Surah 18:34  (Abundant) was the produce this man had : he said to his companion, in the course of a mutual argument (yu-hawiru-hu) : "more wealth have I than you, and more honour and power . . . .

yu-hawiru-hu : a mutual argument, going to and fro in a discussion.

So going back to  Surah 56:22 "Wahoorun ainin"  - followers with clear vision, disciples with clear sight of things, to and fro (discussions) with clarity etc.

There are certainly  NO "doe eyed virgins".  

Here is another verse :

Surah 84:14  Truly, did he think that he would not have to return (ya-hoor).

Here "hoor"  is translated as "to return".    

Ya-hoor : a returning, coming back (to following something? to obeying something?)

No virgins.  

Have a beautiful  Sunday.

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