
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

The opposition just lost all respect

The rakyat watched with anger and disgust the behaviour of the opposition MPs during the first day of the Parliament. Be warned! The rakyat did not vote you in as an MP to be troublemakers in Parliament.
Your conduct and behaviour were shameful and did not measure up to the position which you hold. Why pick on a non-issue and make it a big issue by making noise and walking out of Parliament?
You just lost all respect from the public. The rakyat voted you in to stand up against corruption, abuse of power, to do away with oppressive laws, and to uphold justice and righteousness.
They did not vote you in to make an issue over the date of proposal of the Dewan Rakyat speaker. Why blow up a non-issue and feebly attempt to make it an issue?
You can easily ask these questions and debate the matter civilly in Parliament. No need to cause a ruckus and walk out. Shame on you people.
The present government needs a strong and credible opposition to keep them in check. So far, your statements and behaviour show that none of you have the quality and calibre to be a constructive opposition - except maybe except Khairy Jamaluddin.
So far, KJ's statements make sense.
The rakyat does not need the opposition to use the race and religion cards to gain support. It looks like you run out of ideas or do not know how to deal with the real issues that will benefit the rakyat and the nation.
You are, in fact, dividing the rakyat by using the racial and religious cards. Why? Can't you think of other better and constructive views and ways for nation-building?
Can't you think through a matter constructively and offer your points that can further build up the country? As it is, you have proven yourself to be incompatible as an opposition.
You are seen to be without substance except in making demands over religious and racial issues and that too in a divisive manner.
The present Pakatan Harapan government is far from being perfect. Power, if used properly, will do good for the rakyat and take the nation forward.
But power can also blind. So it is always good and necessary to have an effective opposition. Therefore, my appeal to the opposition MPs, please be an effective opposition.
Don't just make empty noises. Don't be an empty vessel. The rakyat doesn't need such MPs. The rakyat needs representatives who are hard-working, who can do their job well, who will do own research and homework on a matter and put them forward and argue effectively in Parliament.
Like what Harapan did when they were in the opposition. Be constructive. Have the interest of the rakyat and nation at heart - not your own self-interest. - Mkini

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