
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

The Trump - Putin Summit

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Here are two comments on the recently concluded Putin - Trump Summit in Helsinki. 

A SUMMIT UNLIKE ANY OTHER - by the Soufan Center:

Bottom Line Up Front:

July 16, 2018, Trump met with Putin in Helsinki.

Trump publicly sided with Russia regarding Russian election interference

Putin's goal to work with U.S. bilaterally, bypassing ‘maladjusted’ global structures.

Trump blamed bad blood on previous U.S. administrations
Trump declared press ‘enemy of the people’

two men met for 2 hours without any staff; only translators 
After one-on-one meeting, Trump and Putin held press conference 
Putin spoke of strengthening U.S.-Russian bilateral relations 
reform ‘maladjusted’ global organizations U.N., NATO 
stand in the way of mutual challenges

relations between two countries changed four hours ago,’ he advised
example of intense personalization of U.S. foreign policy by Trump
Trump blamed ‘U.S. foolishness and stupidity’ for relations with Russia 

he categorized E.U. as ‘foe’ of US 
Europe can no longer fully rely on White House

Now here is the Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal: Trump, Putin Agree To Solve Syria Crisis

Trump and Putin agreed to solve Syrian crisis
Syrian forces  major advances toward Israel and Jordan 
routing remaining pockets of Sunni opposition U.S. supports

Israel airstrikes against Iranian and pro-Iranian militias across Syria
to prevent establishment of permanent Iranian military presence 
Syrian forces to stay away from DMZ along 1974 cease-fire line 
Israel no problem with  Assad as long as dont penetrate DMZ

My comments :  Trump wants to get out of the Middle East. Russia is now the dominant power in the Middle East.  Russia is playing a very careful balancing game - with peace being their ultimate offer. (The Russians are not interested in endless wars. Putin's policy is that weapons manufacturing in Russia must remain with State owned enterprises.  There is no privately owned military industrial complex in Russia - unlike America.  This is a powerful damper on the policy of endless shedding of human blood which is  native to the US and UK.) 

The Russian presence in Syria has defeated the US - Saudi - Qatar sponsored ISIS. Now the US risks another Vietnam type involvement in Syria. Iraq is no different. Or Libya and Yemen. The US is being sucked into another endless quagmire. 

Putin's Russia is perhaps the only country with good relations with all parties in the Middle East starting from the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt, the Palestinians. Jordan and many more. 

The road to peace in the Middle East now runs through Moscow. The Russians are behind ceasefires and peace. Trump wants peace too. He can build hotels and resorts, for example. Hence the Trump - Putin Summit. 

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