
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Tony Pua Implicates The Chinese In The Great 1MDB Robbery

The Malaysian stock market keeps going down and down. But the government is not supporting the stock market like it used to in the past. They will allow the market to go down as low as possible and then Daim and his gang such as Vincent Tan, etc., will move in to buy up all the shares. They are going to make tens of billions from the stock market alone because once they sweep up the shares the market will go up again.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Tony Pua said China help launder 1MDB’s stolen money
Tony Pua has, again, come out with both guns blazing and has implicated the Chinese in money-laundering involving 1MDB’s allegedly stolen money. Tony Pua was referring to two pipeline projects in Kedah and Sabah that were awarded to a company said to be connected to Low Taek Jho a.k.a. Jho Low.
The two pipeline projects were awarded to a wholly-owned government company, Suria Strategic Energy Sdn Bhd, which in turn awarded the job to China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau. “The entire project smells like a scam. There were clearly elements of money-laundering taking place. We were giving money out to a Chinese company and we suspect this money is being funnelled to parties related to the previous administration,” said Tony Pua.
So, there you have it. One Chinaman, Jho Low, with the collaboration of a Chinese company, has been swindling Malaysian taxpayers’ money. It is amazing that Malays still trust the Chinese who have been swindling taxpayers’ money for the last 40 years.

Mahathir and Daim are about to plunder Malaysia a second time around

The first major financial scandal in Malaysia involved George Tan. Then we had the Abdullah Ang financial scandal, the Tan Koon Swan financial scandal, the Ling Liong Sik financial scandal, the Eric Chia financial scandal, and now the Jho Low financial scandal. In between all that we had Francis Yeoh, Vincent Tan, and one non-Chinaman, Tatparanandam Ananda Krishnan, ripping off another few hundreds of billions of taxpayers’ money.
How much money has been stolen over 37 years since 1981 until now? That has never been revealed because some of the stealing was done legally through lop-sided privatisation contracts and concessions. Hence they were not categorised under ‘financial scandals’. And they did not involve just Umno but the other coalition members of Barisan Nasional.
DAP and the other opposition parties normally focus just on Umno and what they allege Umno stole. But the other coalition members of Barisan Nasional also wheel and deal as much as Umno does, and sometimes even worse than Umno, so whatever you think Umno stole you can double or triple that for the others.

The Dayabumi building was built to syphon out money for Umno

You might say Umno is worth tens of billions or hundreds of billions. But then so is MCA, MIC, Gerakan and all those others who are, or used to be, members of Barisan Nasional. So, if you look at Barisan Nasional’s combined wealth before 9th May 2018, figures such as half-a-trillion or more would not be far-fetched.
Umno, MCA and MIC have been around since Merdeka of 61 years ago while Barisan Nasional has been around for the last 45 years. And ever since then they have been expanding their wealth.
The plan to enrich Umno and all the other members of Barisan Nasional started in 1984 after Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad appointed Tun Daim Zainuddin as Malaysia’s new Finance Minister (who replaced Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah). In fact, the plan to enrich Umno and the coalition members of Barisan Nasional had already started under Tengku Razaleigh but Mahathir said he wanted Daim, a close friend who he can trust, to manage Umno’s wealth (that was what Mahathir told the press when asked why he appointed Daim the Finance Minister).

Privatisation of toll highways and IPPs was how Umno made billions

PPBM and Pakatan Harapan are nowhere close to the wealth of Umno and all those other coalition members or one-time coalition members of Barisan Nasional. DAP and PKR may be worth a few billion but PAN and PPBM are not. So, they have five years till GE15 to build up their wealth. And Pakatan Harapan must do it in just five years in what took Umno and Barisan Nasional 50 years.
So, Mahathir will need to fast-track everything. He may have only two or three years to quickly build up the war-chest. Many Chinese tycoons came out with a lot of money to finance GE14 and the three years anti-Najib campaign leading up to GE14. The bribes paid to foreign journalists and bloggers was huge and they need to recover those billions spent from 2015 to 2018.
Hence many things are going to happen over these next two or three years. We are going to see Mahathirism and Mahanomics all over again. Expect many more billions being syphoned out through projects, concessions and privatisation.

The new Tower M is going to bring in a lot of money for PPBM’s war-chest

The Malaysian stock market keeps going down and down. But the government is not supporting the stock market like it used to in the past. They will allow the market to go down as low as possible and then Daim and his gang such as Vincent Tan, etc., will move in to buy up all the shares. They are going to make tens of billions from the stock market alone because once they sweep up the shares the market will go up again.
So keep a close eye on the stock market and see what happens. In the meantime, while they rip off billions of taxpayers’ money, they will keep talking about 1MDB every single day for the next year or two. But then how much was actually stolen from 1MDB is not quite clear but figures between RM50 billion and RM42 million have been quoted.
Previous Prime Minister, Najib Tun Razak, has been charged for only RM42 million while the government says more charges are looming over the horizon. Whether they mean Najib is facing more charges or more people are going to be charged has not been made clear at this time. But they will keep telling us the Great 1MDB Robbery is about RM50 billion while they charge Najib for only RM42 million and, even then, are having a hard time trying to prove it.

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