
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Yoursay: Apandi’s lightning U-turn – the circus continues

YOURSAY | ‘It’s obvious that Apandi is a person of no principles.’
David Dass: Yes, former attorney-general Mohamed Apandi Ali. It (to sit in Umno supreme council) would have confirmed the worst suspicions about you. You would have lost whatever shred of dignity you have.
It is open to you to defend the way you conducted your office as AG. That would have been closed the moment you accepted the seat on the Umno supreme council.
Umno cannot revive its flagging fortunes by asserting that it had done nothing wrong and hurling accusations of a Pakatan Harapan government bent on destroying Malay and Muslim hegemony.
Umno has always held the BN as a bastion of multiracial government but now with the facade destroyed, the substance and reality are visible for all to see.
All Malaysians must reflect on the future of this country. Religious extremists and racists cannot take hold of the nation. They distract all of us from the real issues - that is, how the economy is mismanaged and how corruption is bleeding the nation dry.
We must bring the best of our people together and harness their talent and collective energy to move the nation upward and forward. The old way was moving us downward and backward.
Open Mind: This man is a joker. First, he said it’s an honour to be appointed a supreme council member and it is like a fish going back to its spawning ground.
Now he said it is unreasonable to accept due to negative perception over his actions as former AG. 
Cyclonus: I'm disappointed. It's very reasonable for Umno to appoint Apandi and for him to have graciously and gratefully accepted it. After all, it is the Umno way. Why suddenly shy away from it?
It's not like the rakyat don't already know what Apandi did for Umno when he was AG. Take it back, Apandi. You worked hard for it. There is no need to have a sudden episode of humility and turned it down.
Indeed, you are a fish returning to its spawning ground ... you are, after all, a spawn of Umno. Umno needs more in-breeding of decrepit, damaged, and deceiving members of society like you for it to continue its spiralling putrid decay.
Calling It As It Is: It’s obvious that Apandi is a person of no principles. How someone of his morality can even be in the legal fraternity, let alone reach the echelons of power, is beyond belief.
There’s obviously something very wrong with Malaysia, Umno and former leader Najib Razak.
Alunan Ombak: As a Federal Court judge and later the AG, Apandi fell into utter shame and disgrace with his sacking. What a way to end his career.
His name in legal history, here and abroad, stinks to high heaven – eternally.
Ramesh Rajaratnam: Apandi, this is the only decision you made that made sense...
Clever Voter: What hope is there for a party that lost the plot in the recent GE, and now led by an equally bad leader determined to get into power with the same prescription and agenda?
Umno will shift further to the right, into the space where they find PAS. There is likelihood of a breakaway, with former Youth leader Khairy Jamaluddin waiting for the right opportunity.
Abd.Karim: State Umno Youth chief Shaiful Hazizy Zainol Abidin has got some brains. We respect you.
Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi is living in his own bubble now. Just like Najib before this.
FlabberPro: It is glaring to the world that Umno is not sincere in its pursuit of reformation within its party.
Umno has selected a group of leaders whose credibility and integrity are either tainted or missing.  Worst, some of these leaders have shown their intellectual incompetence at every level.
Putting the same group of people to serve is akin to a fool who does the same thing over and over again, and yet expecting different results.
Seriously, what is Zahid intend to achieve by appointing people like Apandi to hold these coveted positions?
Umno's glory is past and it will take at least 20 years before it can be revived. Will Zahid be still serving in the political horizon then?
Hence, while this list of Umno appointees gives birth to lots of criticism, it actually does not matter anymore to Malaysians at large.
Sunshine: One can well imagine that there was prior consultation between Apandi and Zahid before his appointment as Umno supreme council member.
Having accepted that he was proud of the appointment and was going back to some spawning roots and then to quickly decline with an obvious reason about speculations that the offer and acceptance had been based on narrow perhaps personal objectives that were in conflict with the supra-personal interests of Umno.
An embarrassment all the same.
Guuunner: I don’t mind with Khairy’s past bad history - for example, the video depicting the conversation with Najib at the mamak stall - as long as he can form a decent opposition coalition as the second choice for hardcore ex-BN supporters.
Who didn’t have a bad history? Look at Harapan leaders Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Anwar Ibrahim.
It will only be good for Malaysia to have a better second choice as government-in-waiting and condemn the useless, corrupted, and extremists PAS/Umno to history. - Mkini

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