
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, July 26, 2018

Yoursay: PAS still trust Umno on Act 355?

YOURSAY | ‘Had Umno really supported Act 355, it would have been debated and approved.’
David Dass: The road to Act 355 was always going to be difficult, if not impossible.
BN and Umno dangled Act 355 like a carrot before PAS in order to get the support of the Islamic party. The bill was never debated. MCA, Gerakan and MIC would have opposed it.
Hudud law can never become the law of the country. Act 355 is hudud law. We cannot have two sets of criminal law in the country, each with different laws of evidence and procedure.
PAS continues to try to advance their agenda of an Islamic state even as states in the Middle East struggle to free themselves from medieval values, medieval laws and feudal or autocratic political systems.
In Malaysia, Muslim women enjoy the same degree of freedom as non-Muslim women. They go to school and then to college or university. They study whatever subjects they like and pursue whatever career they want.
The Federal Court has ruled that the basic structure or scheme of our government as set out in the constitution cannot be altered.
PAS should focus on honest and open government that works for the benefit of the people. PAS should support the government's efforts to eliminate poverty and ensure a more just and equitable distribution of wealth.
They should support the government in enhancing democracy, improving checks and balances against government abuse and excess, reforming democratic institutions, amending and repealing unjust laws and eliminating corruption.
PAS should commit itself to a more just and equal society for all Malaysians.
StraightTalk: The attorney-general, chief justice and the de facto law minister are all non-Muslims. So what? Are these three people so powerful that they have the power to do anything? Definitely not.
Whatever their position and power, they are bound by the country's constitution and laws. Remember that the majority of the country's parliamentarians are Muslims. And the attorney-general and chief justice are not parliamentarians.
The real threat is from corrupt leaders and greedy politicians who have so audaciously used race and religion to loot the wealth of the country.
The real threat is from politicians who have no spine and have absolutely no shame in continuing to support corrupt leaders.
The real threat is from political parties and their so-called leaders who have zero knowledge about the country's economic problems and cannot offer any meaningful solutions to solve the country's woes.
Anonymous_1527925538: This is another excuse made to mislead the people to see everything through the tinted lenses of race and religion.
The fact is, the road to the Act is a no-go because it is against our Federal Constitution which maintains that all Malaysian citizens are to be treated equal before the law regardless of race or religion.
One Hand Cover The Sky: If Umno really supported Act 355, they should have allowed it to be debated and approved last year before the 14th general election (GE14). PAS was being played out by Umno while BN was still in power then.
Now these little Umno Napoleons are still trying to hoodwink PAS into believing that they will still support their Act 355 in Parliament.
PAS will be foolish to believe that the present Umno leaders will still support their Act 355 again this time. PAS leaders will never learn from their past mistakes by putting their trust in Umno. It should remember the wise saying of “Once bitten, twice shy”.
Mustafa N: How many years was Umno in power for? Over 60, right? But somehow now that the Pakatan Harapan coalition is in power, syariah legislation can't be passed. 
If it's an issue for Umno, why didn't they pass something like it sometime during all those decades? 
The answer, of course, is that Umno is an ethnic political party, not a religious one, and they don't actually support syariah as national law - but they will use the issue now that they are out of power as a way to criticise the opposition.
Roger 5201: If "truth" can be so easily and retrospectively amended to suit an individual, this commissioner of oaths better have a very good explanation for affirming former PM Najib Razak's affidavit in former top cop Mat Zain Ibrahim's suit against him.
This "affidavit" is nothing short of a grave travesty of justice.
MahuSeeLui: Is the judge who dismissed Mat Zain's suit one of those remaining judges beholden to Najib for reasons unbeknown as this stage, or is the case too hard for him to decide?
Several members of the judiciary are alleged to be 'moles' in the judiciary, and it will be difficult to get rid of them. Yet another legacy of the allegedly corrupt ex-PM.
Rasa Sayang: This 'form over substance' attitude or in legal jargon, 'when the letter of the law takes precedence over the spirit of the law', is as alarming as it is ludicrous.
Vote BN Out: Ninety-nine percent of today's commissioners for oaths are mere rubber stamps. They don't need to have the deponent present before them. They have runners to collect all pre-signed documents and 'attest' at their own leisure at the end of day.
Compare this to the ones appointed in the 60s and 70s. Almost all were lawyers or retired court officials. Today, any Tom Dick or Harry can be appointed as such.
Anticommunalist: Perhaps Malaysian Official 1 (MO1) has mastered the art of quantum tunnelling, teleporting himself from one place to another. I just can't wait for him to be beamed into Sungai Buloh permanently.
Scotty, where art thou? - Mkini

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