
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Penyesalan Besar Orang Iran - Meletak Kepercayaan Kepada Pak Lebai

Image result for iran flag

The following is adapted from the Middle East Forum :
protests in 100 Iran cities not about gas prices 
pay attention to what protesters saying

immediate spark for Arab Spring was suicide of Tunisian fruit vendor
but Arab Spring not about permits for fruit vendors

Likewise unrest in Iran not about price of gas
Iranians chanting "No to Gaza!",  "Leave Syria", "Death to Palestine!" 
indicates something much larger than price of gas 

40 years after Islamic Revolution, Iranians finally rejecting mullahs

Khomeini established velayat-e-faqih (pimpinan pak lebai)
Khomeini pretended Iran controlled by "divine laws"
Khomeini hand-picked mullahs under his watchful eye 
to guide Iran until 12th imam comes out of hiding to usher end of times

to placate people's clamor for freedom, Khomeini established parliament, president
There were elections and a guise of competition

but no one permitted to run for office without approval of mullahs

created illusion of democracy while maintaining mullah control

Iranian democracy like landscape painting on concrete wall in a zoo
artists paint jungle landscape on lion cage walls in zoo
or Arctic landscape for penguin enclosure
aim is to calm beasts through feeling of freedom
when lion charges into painted jungle he quickly learns of his captivity

Iranian people realize they are not free 
the pro democracy mullah is an illusion
the Iranian people have been cheated

1st dissatisfaction with mullahs in 1999 (20 years after Khomeini)
university students protested for days, demanding greater freedoms

after 9/11 - demos against al Qaeda and terrorism 
Iranians held American flags shouted "Down with terrorists!" 

then 2003 "soccer protests" 
Iranians used soccer team's loss into anti-regime demonstrations

2009 Green Movement - 1st time Iranians turned attention to false democracy 

Public demonstrations erupted when mullahs made Ahmadinejad win 

2009 protesters chanted, "Where is my vote?" and "Give us our votes back." 
Mousavi a genuine reformer rejected by mullahs 
Today Mousavi lives under house arrest

Now Iranians shouting, "We don't want ayatollahs!", "Death to dictator!" 
Iranians pulled down anti-American banners and billboards
burned government buildings, banks, police stations

Nov 2019 Iranian anger directed at ayatollahs
some protesters shouted: "Oh, Shah of Iran, come back to Iran."

serious pain in Iran
regime is in greatest danger of falling 

Every day Iranians openly defy mullahs in the streets 
harder for mullahs to maintain control

My comments :

1.  Where does the Malay word 'lebai' come from. Lebai means a religious fellow. According to an old associate - historian Mohd Khir Awang (?) - this word lebai is not native to the Malay language.  

The word lebai is used by Tamil speaking Muslims. The Tamil Muslims say 'leve' (pronounced 'level' without the 'l'.) Among Tamil Muslims 'leve' refers to a religious fellow, usually the lowly village lebai or lebai kampong. 

The Tamil Muslim 'leve' in turn sounds very close to the biblical and jewish levy (as in Levis jeans). In Hebrew a levy is a religious fellow.  The Book of Leviticus in the jewish Old Testament refers the Levites or the religious fraternity. 

2. Let me make a prediction.  My prediction is that within our lifetime the people of Iran are going to throw out the mullahs and the ayatollahs. Worse still they will chase the mullahs down the streets and hang them from the lamp posts. As ugly as this may sound but this is standard fare in that part of the world. They will do to the mullahs what the mullahs have been doing against the Iranian people since 1979. 

Yes there is going to be  payback time.

3.  What is going on in Iran now is the final collapse of a major bullshitting campaign that has survived for over a 1000 years. 

Let me make another prediction - after over 1000 years of the mullahs lying, eat-shit-and-die crap - the mullahs in Iran (its a good place to start) are finally being exposed for what they really are - lying and thieving b_st_rds. 

I believe that after the mullahs are removed from Iran (and wiped off the face of Allah's earth) it will be the final end of them. The earth will be free of the lying mullahs.  Then from Iran the cleansing will spread to other countries and communities.  

Here is why the mullahs will be wiped out from Iran. 

In every country around the world the leaders make promises to the people in order to fool the people to win the peoples' support. 

In some countries the leaders make big promises that are never delivered (like the Pakatan Harapan manifesto) 

Or they make promises that are partly or little achieved like Dasar Ekonomi Baru, 30% Bumiputra share holdings, Wawasan 2020, Wawasan 2020 Tak Jadi Tukar Jadi 2030, "we will abolish the tolls" and so on.  

It is a never ending series of false promises to fool the people to win their support.  
This is a cheap trick used by politicians, kings, rulers and of course by the lebais, levies and leve. 

The secret to the longevity of these politicians, kings and rulers who make these false promises depends on the expected time frames to deliver their false promises. 

You cannot win the peoples' support by saying that 'we will abolish tolls in 150 years'. That is too long for abolishing tolls. 

But the politicians cannot say 'We will abolish tolls in FIVE years'.  Five years is too soon. Their lies will be exposed because they have no intention of abolishing the tolls. Not in five months or five years or 50 years. 

So they must pick a suitable time frame - neither too long that the people are not convinced nor too soon where the politicians lies will become exposed. 

A suitable time frame is when the politician or king does not expect to be around anymore.  So 2030 is doable to achieve some economic milestone. 2058 maybe doable (for abolishing tolls) - especially among the semi literate village people. 

The Iranian mullahs however do not promise Wawasan 2030, abolishing tolls or economic growth. 

Their bullshitting is at a much higher level. 

Place your trust in the mullahs and the ayatollahs and they will hasten the Coming of The Mahdi or the Second Coming of the 12th Imam of the Shias.

Shiah ayatollahs believe in the fable of the Second Coming of the 12th Imam. It is equivalent to the belief in the 2nd Coming of Christianity (although it is not fully clear in the Bible - if anyone has the exact Bible passage please do share.) Or the Coming of the Imam Mahdi (the Saviour). 

And why the Second Coming or the Coming of the Mahdi? 
Well that event will usher the eagerly awaited end of the world. 
And death. 

No more need to work or use your brains to feed your children, clothe your family, build a roof over your head, get a job, run a business, no need to wash your white coloured school shoes etc. No need for all that. Just wait for the world to come to an end.

(Folks - here is a secret. This is inside information ok. You are going to be waiting for a very, very long time. It aint happening anytime soon, yo.)

But there is a problem for the mullahs. The mullahs and the ayatollahs have absolutely no evidence or zero evidence for what they believe in. Zero evidence. 

If the Second Coming of the 12th Imam or the Coming of the Mahdi is going to happen, can they show some real evidence to prove this? Some tangible evidence?

The Quran says "haatu burhanukum in-kuntum sadiqeen" - show us your proofs if indeed you are truthful.

So please show some proofs for these Second Comings, Imam Mahdi Coming, 12th Imam Coming etc etc. 

Ok, ok they have not landed yet at the airport runway (I kid you not)  but have they at least taken off from wherever it is they are supposed to come? 

Or maybe they are now in a holding pattern somewhere above the airport? 
Where are they? Please show some proof?

The mullahs have no proof.  This is where the mullahs start saying "I kill you".

These types of 9th century and 11th century desert fairy tales have worked quite well thus far.  But I don't think they will work anymore.  This is now 2019. The age of the smartphone, WhatsApp video calls, Skyping, Facebooking, of not only instant communication but instant debunking. 

The mullahs simply cannot go around repeating those village idiot things that they have been saying for over 1000 years. People can make fun of them.

This is what is happening in Iran now. The Iranian people are at last finding out that the mullahs and the ayatollahs have been bullshitting them big time. The mullahs time is up.

It is likely that a local lamp post awaits each and every one of the mullahs in Iran. Maybe Iran will indeed show the way for the rest of the confused societies.

4. But there is a problem in Iran, in Iraq, in Saudi Arabia, in Malaysia, in Pakistan and elsewhere.  There is no second tier leadership that can be put into power. The alternative option is not in place.  There are plenty of alternative candidates and alternative groups that can better lead these countries. 

But they are not organised or well placed to step forward to fill the vacuum. This is where the facilitators should play a role and clear the way for the alternative leadership to take its place. Maybe this will soon happen in Iran.

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