
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Fake Ashes Of Chin Peng

Mahathir has been told that the ashes are not Chin Peng’s ashes. It is a ruse or scam meant just to trigger Malay outrage. Chin Peng’s “ashes” will reunite the Chinese behind DAP so that the disaster of the Tanjung Piai by-election will never be repeated or duplicated in GE15 expected around 2023 or so.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
The country is being hit by yet another of many controversies, this time involving the ashes, or more accurately the alleged ashes of Chin Peng. Yes, alleged ashes, because no one has proven or can prove that the ashes are indeed the ashes of Chin Peng. In fact, according to Liew Chin Tong’s inner circle, the ashes are not Chin Peng’s ashes at all.
This idea of smuggling Chin Peng’s ashes into Malaysia was mooted by Chin Tong, DAP’s strategist and mastermind, months before the Tanjung Piai by-election last month. That by-election proved that not only have the Malays swung back to Muafakat Nasional but even a large section of the Chinese population has abandoned Pakatan Harapan, and by extension DAP.

Liew Chin Tong came out with this ruse of Chin Peng’s “ashes”

DAP knew that Pakatan Harapan was going to lose the Tanjung Piai by-election just days after the announcement of the by-election. In fact, Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad also knew his party, PPBM, was going to get wiped out. But DAP and Mahathir estimated they were going to lose by a majority of between 2,000 and 7,000 votes. They never expected it to be as high as 15,000 votes.
And it was 15,000 votes because DAP could not get 97% of the Chinese votes like in the last general election in May 2018.
So, DAP needed a “common cause” to reunite the Chinese. And what better way to do that than to play the “them” and “us” card — them the Malays and us the Chinese. And there was no surer way of getting back Chinese support than by exploiting the siege mentality where the Chinese are victims of Malay aggression.

Chin Peng’s ashes no longer exist but this show is meant to trigger Chinese sentiments after the Tanjung Piai by-election disaster
It is actually a very brilliant idea. If they bring, or rather smuggle, Chin Peng’s ashes into Malaysia and two months later, just after the Tanjung Piai by-election, announce it as a fait accompli, the government cannot do anything about it. However, if they first seek permission or announce it beforehand they would be stopped. Telling the world after the ashes has been scattered would leave the government powerless.
The plan succeeded. Now, because of the Chin Peng’s ashes controversy, the Chinese are again behind DAP.
Six years ago, Mahathir said he opposes the idea of bringing Chin Peng’s body or ashes back to Malaysia. Today he is not against it. Why?

Mahathir knows it is not Chin Peng’s ashes but is merely a DAP ruse meant to rile up the Chinese

Why is because Mahathir has been told that the ashes are not Chin Peng’s ashes. It is a ruse or scam meant just to trigger Malay outrage. Chin Peng’s “ashes” will reunite the Chinese behind DAP so that the disaster of the Tanjung Piai by-election will never be repeated or duplicated in GE15 expected around 2023 or so.

How ironical that Chin Peng’s “ashes” is being used to save DAP’s arse. Finally Chin Peng has done something useful for the Chinese, although he is doing it long after he died. Chin Peng has at last succeeded in what he tried to do for so long but failed. And that is to unite the Chinese under a common cause, even though Chin Peng had nothing to do with it and it was merely a DAP ruse.

Chin Peng’s “ashes” has revived the spirit of the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM)

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