
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Even Just One Vote Is A Win, Says Mahathir


In 1987, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said even if he wins by just one vote that is still a win. And hence he is not going to resign. All he needs is just one vote to stay on as prime minister, Mahathir announced on prime-time TV.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

The vote on Budget 2021 was 30 for Perikatan Nasional and zero for Pakatan Harapan. Yes, 30:0 in favour of Muhyiddin Yassin’s government.

The headlines today said, ‘slim majority’. Of course, it was a slim majority. It was always a slim majority from the very beginning. Everyone knew today was going to be a slim majority. No one thought it was going to be a two-thirds majority. So that is like stating the obvious, such as water is wet.

In 1987, Mahathir said even if he wins by just one vote that is still a win and hence he is not going to resign 

In 1987, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said even if he wins by just one vote that is still a win. And hence he is not going to resign. All he needs is just one vote to stay on as prime minister, Mahathir announced on prime-time TV.

Well, Muhyiddin won by three votes today, not just one vote. Hence, he can stay on as prime minister and need not resign.

I suppose that settles the matter of Muhyiddin’s legitimacy.

Muhyiddin is the legitimate PM, says Parliament

Nevertheless, today was not about Budget 2021. No one cares whether Budget 2021 is a good budget or a bad budget. In fact, no one proposed a better budget or an alternative budget to Budget 2021. If Budget 2021 is no good, where is your alternative and better budget?

Budget 2021 was just a tool. It was a vehicle to pass a backdoor vote of no confidence against the prime minister. They did not really care about Budget 2021 and the impact on the country and the rakyat.

No doubt they did raise some so-called ‘weaknesses’ in Budget 2021: such as it does not include RM10,000 withdrawals in one lump sum from EPF and six months moratorium extension on loans. Hence the government needs to be ousted, they say.

It is game over for Anwar so he should just crawl away and go lick his wounds

That is like saying since the car ashtray is full and is overflowing with cigarette butts, you need to get rid of the car. Just clean the ashtray lah! Why do you need to get rid of the car because the ashtray is dirty?

Anyway, what matters is Anwar Ibrahim failed to prove his alleged 130-135 majority today. He kept screaming about his ‘strong, formidable and convincing numbers’ and he promised that today he would prove it. But that did not happen.

Yesterday, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah joined hands to call for the 220 MPs to reject Budget 2021. They declared that Muhyiddin was a backdoor prime minister of an illegitimate Perikatan Nasional government. Mahathir’s and Razaleigh’s partnership is like Hamas forming an alliance with Israel. And that, too, did not happen.

The last minute Team Desperado also could not do the trick

So that’s it, end of story. Game over. It is time to move on. There are many things that need to be done.

A new strain of Covid-19 is attacking the world. London is going to be moved to tier three because 250 in 100,000 are being infected with Covid-19 (compared to only 175 in 100,000 in Manchester, which is already in tier three).

Get ready for a crash landing. Malaysia is going to face a bad 2021. Is it going to be worse or better than 2020? That will all depend on whether the government can focus and do what is needed. And with Pakatan Harapan finally being told to fook off, maybe now the government can get down to the business of running the country.

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