
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Hadi predicts imminent collapse of Anwar's govt

PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang has predicted that Anwar Ibrahim's government will collapse soon.

Hadi shared his prediction during a dialogue organised by book publisher Yayasan Permata Ummah in Kuala Lumpur last night but was short on details.

He did not specify whether the cause of the collapse would come from within or without.

"People ask me when it will happen. That is my prediction. God willing, (it will) happen soon," said Hadi (above).

Hadi's cryptic remark came a few hours after he told the Dewan Rakyat that the opposition should not be blamed if the federal government collapses.

"(The government's) roof is leaking. Their doors are wide open and their walls have holes," Hadi told the Dewan Rakyat.

Last October, prior to the parliamentary elections, Hadi claimed that he initiated efforts to topple the Dr Mahathir Mohamad administration because of the federal government's attempt to ratify the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Icerd).

At the time, Hadi said he approached Bersatu president Muhyiddin Yassin, who agreed to join the plot. Following this, Hadi said he approached Umno.

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim flanked by his deputies Ahmad Zahid Hamidi (left) and Fadillah Yusof.

Meanwhile, Hadi said he will defer commenting on Umno's new Ulama Council (MUU) which held its inaugural meeting on Monday night.

"The MUU was just formed. We now see its framework. We don't know what it is doing.

"Let's wait and see. No comments for now," he said.

Hadi said in the past, PAS was open to Muslim scholars from other parties.

"We have invited the ulama who are aligned to Umno for discussions on the Quran and the hadith, but they declined.

"We're not sure if they want to talk to us now. We are ready to talk about the Quran as long as we can unite the ummah. That is very important," he said. - Mkini

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