A source said incumbent secretary Murshidah Mustafa could face a challenge from council member Peter Douglas, from the Kuala Lumpur Bar.
“There are already parties lobbying council members to vote for either Murshidah or Douglas,” the source told FMT.
Murshidah has been in the council for about 10 years, representing the Kedah Bar, either as the state chairman or its representative to the national body. She was previously the Malaysian Bar’s treasurer.
Douglas has been on the council for the last three years and has led its sports committee for several years.
The source also said incumbent president Ezri Abdul Wahab, vice-president B Anand Raj and treasurer Jayabalan Raman Kutty are likely to be retained for another term.
“So far no feelers have been sent out to put up challengers for these posts,” the source said.
However, there have been instances of a contest being mounted at the 11th hour in the past.
Section 54(1) of the Legal Profession Act 1976 (LPA) states that the president, vice-president and secretary shall not hold office for more than two consecutive years.
Under the LPA, the 42-member Bar Council – comprising 16 members elected by a nationwide ballot of lawyers, two representatives from each of the peninsula’s 12 state bar committees (including Kuala Lumpur), and the immediate past president and vice-president – will elect the four office-bearers for the next term after the conclusion of the AGM.
Former Bar president Salim Bashir expects a higher turnout despite the AGM falling during Ramadan. He said there are “interesting” and “pressing” motions to be debated and decided.
“The quorum for the meeting is 500 but this number can be extremely high if lawyers in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor make it a point to be present,” he said.
Motions have been submitted on judicial appointments, the independence of the judiciary and the role of the Bar in defending the judiciary.
There is also a motion seeking to prohibit the serving of alcoholic drinks at Bar events.
One other motion up for debate relates to the long-deferred self-indemnity fund scheme to cover members against professional negligence for up to RM250,000.
The scheme, if implemented, may see a reduction of up to 40% in the annual mandatory premium payment, which currently stands at RM1,000.
The Bar’s professional indemnity insurance committee has to date raised about RM40 million for the scheme to be implemented. - FMT
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